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Tell me about the Charvel 375 Deluxe

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  • Tell me about the Charvel 375 Deluxe

    I saw the other thread on the 375's but I just need a little more info and opinions...

    As some of you may know, I've been looking to pick up an import Charvel for sometime. Most what I have been looking for includes model 4's, 6's...most from the model series.
    Well after some routine searching, I came across this...

    After some research It seems to be a 375 deluxe. I have heard of these before and they seem like a good guitar and this seems like a good price. I've read reviews and all seems well. Can you guys tell me more about this guitar and your opinions? Thanks alot


  • #2
    Congrats on your first post!

    Looks like that guitar is $349 canadian? If so, pretty good price assuming it is in excellent condition. I see no mention of a case, but it would be great if it came with an OHSC (original hardshell case).

    The 375, as I understand it, would be very similar to a Model 3. You mentioned you were looking for a Model 4 or 6, but the 375 is basically a newer version of the Model 3. Nice thing about a 375 is that it has a Schaller Floyd Rose which many consider superior to the Model 3's JT-6 Floyd.

    I currently have two Model 3's in my is mine, other is a friends, and I have set-up and played them both and the JT-6 is a fine trem if you ask me.

    Anyway, if you are looking for a nice Charvel import (like I was as well), I would say pull the trigger on this one and have fun. If you decide to wait for a Model 4 or 6 (which many would argue are better made than the "newer" Charvels like the 375 and 475), the hunt for a Charvel is an enjoyable pastime. It was/is for me, anyway.

    Good Luck and keep us posted!


    • #3
      hahaha wow! I forgot that was my first post, as you can see on my join date i've been browsing this forum for awhile! Therefore the "some of you may know" seems out of context!

      Anyways, I went and checked out the guitar yesterday and I REALLY liked the feel and sound, the only problem was alot of buzzing and choking off of notes above 12th fret. It has really heavy guage strings and the bridge was set to low. SOO I got it down to $300 and then they are gunna set it up for me properly with my strings for $ basically a free setup, should be done in about a week! Condition-wise it was GREAT, a little rust on pickup poles and a little on the bridge (for 20 years old what can you expect?) and the only dings were on the bottom edge and back edge...front and back face were mint.
      Pretty excited to get it...this is my first non-strat guitar (I have 3!). Thanks for your input and I'll post pics ASAP.



      • #4
        Hey Mat-

        Congrats on the new axe!

        Yeah, so far as fret buzz, a professional set-up (I do them myself) will take care of it. So far as the rust, that is very common and should pose no problems for you. When you get the guitar home, just lightly oil all of the screws, the Floyd, the locking nut, etc and wipe off all excess and throw a little chapstick on the knife edges of the Floyd (when you remove all strings down the road)...will do wonders for removing some rust and preventing more from accumulating.

        You may also want to invest in a Dunlop guitar cleaning kit, as I did, to really clean up the fretboard (when you replace strings again), and to clean and condition the body, fretboard, neck, and strings.

        Looking forward to pics! Have fun!

