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Neck swap to a Stealth XL from a Fusion SS?

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  • Neck swap to a Stealth XL from a Fusion SS?

    I've had Fusion SS for a while now and I'm completely in love with it's neck. Now I've just got hold of a stealth xl and the body profile is just freakin sweet - it's also got a tone control where the SS doesn't and the pups seem to be hotter than the SS. I got to thinking about maybe taking the neck off the SS and bunging it into the Stealth. I just prefer the feel, scale length, profile and the 24 frets of the SS neck to the stealth's longer scale length and 22 frets. It's good neck but I just like the SS's better.

    Any of you guys think that there would be a problem with this?

  • #2
    They wont work they have different scale lengths. The Fusion is 24.75 and the Stealth is 25.5 scales.
    It's pronounced soops


    • #3
      Dammit, I thought I was onto something there. I know about the different scale lengths but I thought it might have worked. Oh well.


      • #4
        I've had a Fusion Pro neck on a KE3 body and didn't have intonation problems. Bought it on ebay that way. Not saying it will work for you.

        BUT - they were both 24 frets (body and neck).


        • #5
          I think that the first set of screw holes on the bridge and the second set are for a reason:idea:
          I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


          • #6
            man, thats a good theory. On my stealth, the top e, b and d strings use the first hole. Intonation seems pretty good although I haven't on the tuner yet - sounds ok to my ears. Waiting until I restring it with 10's.

