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What would you do?

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  • What would you do?

    So I go to the music store today to drop off my MM1 Dominion for a set up. As I leave I browse the rack of Jacksons hanging on the wall. I spy a brand new Snow White DK2M. Now to get my Dominion I traded in my DK2M for $600 (I only paid $630 used) to help subsidize the cost of the new axe ($1250) Canadian. They are asking $830 for the new DK2M, I really wish I had the DK2M again, I miss it. Now I can put the DK2M on my account no problem, but here lies the problem. THE OLD LADY WILL KILL ME ! if I come home with ANOTHER new guitar. What would you guys do if you had a cunty wife who gets mad at you for buying toys? I'm thinking about getting it and storing it in a case at my work...... ORRRR I wait until my account is paid off and order in a new SLS3.

  • #2
    Divorce your wife and buy all the shit you want.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
      Divorce your wife and buy all the shit you want.
      I AM a wife, and I agree with this!! :ROTF:
      My husband never cares about a gear purchase if we have the funds. And I don't complain about shit he buys as long as we have the money. it, hide it for awhile..put it out..when she says "when did you get that" you say.."I've had that for years"..LOL


      • #4
        If I buy the axe, and refinance what I currently owe for 12 months, I'd only be paying $40 per month more than what I'm paying now. I think I'll be making a stop on my way home from work tonight.......


        • #5
          Better get to bonding with that MM1
          "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
          - Ken M


          • #6
            When I had a wife I would take several empty cases with me when I left the house that way she never said anything when I came back.
            When I came back she would ask did you sell or trade for a new one?
            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


            • #7
              Say to her: "I earn my money, I spend it on what I want, I don't bitch about your shoes, therefore you don't bitch about my guitars, no matter how much more awesome they are."

              Jackson DXMG
              Jackson JS30RR
              Boss ML2 Metalcore Pedal
              Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
              Blackstar HT5H
              Marshall MC212

              Gear I want

              Jackson RR1T Black
              Marshall JCM 800 2203
              Marshall 1960A Cab


              • #8
                I'm the only one who brings in decent money and pays all the bills.... I can get them down to 708 and one of the inlays is starting to bubble so -$100? if I can get it for 6 brand new It's coming home with me.


                • #9
                  It's always easy to grow big nutz on the interweb.

                  Buy her a little something.
                  A hundred dollar necklace will get you all the guitar you want.
                  (And do your homework)!


                  • #10
                    Unless playing music provides a decent portion of your income, I would never advise financing to buy gear. My gear is always bought with "play" money.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chad View Post
                      Unless playing music provides a decent portion of your income, I would never advise financing to buy gear. My gear is always bought with "play" money.
                      True of me as well.
                      Hard to keep track of all the "horse trading".

                      I still find a good bribe works wonders for thinking outside the box though.


                      • #12
                        It's always easy to grow big nutz on the interweb.
                        If my wife didn't stop giving me crap about what I buy I would've divorced her. REALLY! Especially at the time I was only flipping to make money for gear or buy one and sell whatever to pay for it. I have also set aside money each month when times were good.

                        The last time she gave me a hard time she wanted something too and we have a lot of money in the bank. I got to use my bonus for a charvel usa and she got a dog and a dyson vacuum.
                        She's come around. When she inherited money she told me I should buy a guitar!
                        Now that I am not working she doesn't say anything if I buy because she knows I'm going to sell something to pay for it.


                        • #13
                          Lots of good advice here. The new axe won't hurt finances will it (the monthly bills?) No one is going hungry? I agree, don't buy on credit. Save up for it, when you have the cash and if the guitar is gone, there will be others. New models coming out this year might change your mind too. Lots of variables to consider.
                          "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                          • #14
                            Don't buy shit you can't afford... This goes for anything. If you're putting it on a card and making payments, you can't afford it. :dunno:

                            I'm lucky my wife enjoys that I have a hobby... I guess she likes a break from me trying to feel her up.


                            • #15
                              I follow the rule that if I don't have the cash available to buy it, then it wasn't meant to be. If I do have the cash, I'll still finance it to maintain cash flow, but only if it's a zero interest deal.

                              My wife and I have an understanding. Paychecks go to a common account to pay the bills and go into "rainy day" savings (most recently used to redo the kitchen; my friends couldn't believe that we could pay 10k+ in cash). Any bonuses or side work that we do goes into personal accounts that can be used for whatever we want.

                              Buying the guitar and then hiding it from your wife is a good sign that your marriage is in trouble. If you can't trust each other, then why are you together?

