So I have this Jackson Doug Aldrich (the red one). I've been meaning to respray the whole guitar since one of the previous owners has resprayed and destroyed the paintjob again... Lots of dents meaning it'll require quite a bit of work to get it back to a good looking state. Also will require many hours sanding the shit out of it. Just wondering if you guys think it's worthwhile to do all this or should I just pickup a Dinky body (is the DA body a Dinky?) and slap the neck onto that? The neck also has a few dents that'll require quite a bit of fixing too... Like, I'd really prefer to have the original body and pickup config but it seems like it's just too much work. Also, the thingymabobs which hold the trem posts look like they have been hammered in. I have a feeling it's because the guitar used to have a Schaller bridge but the previous owner decided an OFR would be better (I don't know why he would think that) and hammered in the OFR trem post holders (which might be bigger than the Schaller ones?). Oh and if I respray this body, the pickups will be a Dimarzio YJM and a Bareknuckle Miracleman. If I get a Dinky body, it'll be HH with the Miracleman (Or a Suhr Doug Aldrich pickup) in the bridge and the neck pickup is open to suggestions.
So yeah, do you guys think it's worth it?