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Neck sizes

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  • Neck sizes

    What or how does Jackson determine what kind of neck a particular model will have on them? I jsut thought that most JAcksons had a standard wide thin neck, but I had a DX something or other like 6 years ago, though the neck was wide on it, but I have the nut on one of my guitars now and it is WAY smaller than the nut on my new DKMG.

    I don't know what is on the new one , but the diference looks like it may be an R2 vs and R3 nut.
    Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

  • #2
    The nut width should all be the same. 1 11/16" I believe. with or without binding I think makes a difference in what nut is used.


    • #3
      That's jsut what I had thought, but the one from my DX10 was pysically smaller than the one on my DKMG. I can't read a ruller too well, but the one from the DX was almost 3 little lines shorter.
      Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

