i think i just won a Kelly Std for $150 plus shipping!!
what say you...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...:MEWAX:IT#shId
i was hopin people saw it and assumed it was a ps6t so didnt bid. one bid, one win
normally i'd wait til it was in my hands to post, but i'm just so excited cause pete is gonna let me get that maple neck from the ps4 he customized. more mutt-nipulation
what say you...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...:MEWAX:IT#shId
i was hopin people saw it and assumed it was a ps6t so didnt bid. one bid, one win
normally i'd wait til it was in my hands to post, but i'm just so excited cause pete is gonna let me get that maple neck from the ps4 he customized. more mutt-nipulation