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DK2 neck profiles

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  • DK2 neck profiles

    It seems like the specs stay the same on the website but each year the neck profiles seem different. I have both 2005 and 2004 necks and both are close but the 2005 is noticeably chunkier.
    Does anyone know if the necks for each year are the same or is every dk2 going to feel different?

  • #2
    I've noticed slight changes between different guitars. I wonder if its just not a result in making the neck. I mean, I don't think there's a CNC type process for making the neckshape, it's still largely a handmade process. Using different jigs and/or templates, on belt sanders. Even on the mass production type axes, I think there still an element of handcrafting in the neck.

    Of course, I could be wrong.


    • #3
      My 2005 DK2 is a Fking baseball bat. Easily a Gibson 50s profile like my 98 SG Std. I hardly ever play it. I think the factory had issues in some years keeping the profile consistant.

      And I don't think it's just DK2's either. You said DXMG necks are fat, but I've played newer thinner ones, thinner than my DK2.


      • #4
        Wow Rich, pretty heated debate here, huh?

        Well, I just bought a DXMG neck on Craig's tonight. I'll not be able to compare it to my DK2 until I get home, but it feels thinner. And this DXMG neck is from the same year as my DK2 - 2005. Thd DXMG neck is dated "2005 8 17", is quartersawn, and has a slight flame to it. Pretty sweet for $100.


        • #5
          The dk2 at least seems to have a rounder back so it's not as bad.

