The guitar is a Jackson SL3 Soloist going through a Marshall JVM 410 and Marshall 1960A 4X12. I play in a Rock covers band so I need some versatility but generally I like to use quite a bit of distortion. At the moment it has a Seymour Duncan JB in the bridge and Hotrails in the neck and middle positions. These pickups are good but they’re not as good as I’d like. My last guitar used Bareknuckle pickups and they were far superior. There is still a possibility I may return to Bareknuckle for the bridge humbucker but sadly they don’t do hum-cancelling single coil sized pickups and I’m really not a fan of 60-cycle hum.
Bridge humbucker
I use this pickup most of the time for both rhythm and lead. It will be used with quite a bit of distortion on songs ranging from Free to Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. In each case I use more distortion than on the original songs. I like the sound to be highly articulate as I can’t abide muddiness at all in my tone. The distortions should be smooth and have a rich and organic tone. This isn’t easy as a highly articulated sound is often quite sterile (I hate active EMG pickups for that reason) while a richer and more organic tone suggests something more vintage and that often doesn’t have the balls I’m looking for. If it helps, I used to own a Bareknuckle ‘Cold Sweat’ in the bridge and if I went with Bareknuckle again it would probably either be that or the ‘Miracle Man’. Other than that, the only quality pickup I've ever owned is a DiMarzio Super Distortion in a Fender Stratocaster. It was very good but it was a number of years ago and obviously wasn’t a thru-neck. Something else may suit me better now, I don’t know.
Neck single coil size
As I don’t like having 60 cycle hum I imagine this will need to be a single coil sized humbucker. I use this pickup for some rhythm when I need a cleaner, more ‘acoustic’ type sound, such as when we play Steve Harley’s ‘Make Me Smile’ but it’s main function will be for lead playing. Once again, I don’t want mush. Lots of neck pickups sound great on the really high notes but as soon as I move to strings 4, 5 and 6 they start to go more mushy. The Seymour Duncan Hotrails do this, which is why I want to change them. It needs to be articulate across all strings and give a searing lead tone that is warm and creamy. Ironic as it may seem, seeing as he uses Seymour Duncan Hotrails, think of the lead playing of Dave Murray in Iron Maiden. That’s what I’m after.
Middle single coil size
I’m less fussy on this one as it’s never used by itself. I only use this pickup to give a slightly different feel to either the neck or bridge pickups. It’s either taking the edge off the bridge pickup a little or giving a touch more bite to the neck. As with the other pickups, it should not give out any mush.
Any suggestions gratefully received
Bridge humbucker
I use this pickup most of the time for both rhythm and lead. It will be used with quite a bit of distortion on songs ranging from Free to Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. In each case I use more distortion than on the original songs. I like the sound to be highly articulate as I can’t abide muddiness at all in my tone. The distortions should be smooth and have a rich and organic tone. This isn’t easy as a highly articulated sound is often quite sterile (I hate active EMG pickups for that reason) while a richer and more organic tone suggests something more vintage and that often doesn’t have the balls I’m looking for. If it helps, I used to own a Bareknuckle ‘Cold Sweat’ in the bridge and if I went with Bareknuckle again it would probably either be that or the ‘Miracle Man’. Other than that, the only quality pickup I've ever owned is a DiMarzio Super Distortion in a Fender Stratocaster. It was very good but it was a number of years ago and obviously wasn’t a thru-neck. Something else may suit me better now, I don’t know.
Neck single coil size
As I don’t like having 60 cycle hum I imagine this will need to be a single coil sized humbucker. I use this pickup for some rhythm when I need a cleaner, more ‘acoustic’ type sound, such as when we play Steve Harley’s ‘Make Me Smile’ but it’s main function will be for lead playing. Once again, I don’t want mush. Lots of neck pickups sound great on the really high notes but as soon as I move to strings 4, 5 and 6 they start to go more mushy. The Seymour Duncan Hotrails do this, which is why I want to change them. It needs to be articulate across all strings and give a searing lead tone that is warm and creamy. Ironic as it may seem, seeing as he uses Seymour Duncan Hotrails, think of the lead playing of Dave Murray in Iron Maiden. That’s what I’m after.
Middle single coil size
I’m less fussy on this one as it’s never used by itself. I only use this pickup to give a slightly different feel to either the neck or bridge pickups. It’s either taking the edge off the bridge pickup a little or giving a touch more bite to the neck. As with the other pickups, it should not give out any mush.
Any suggestions gratefully received
