Hey Guys,
Dying to get an old Jackson 1990's era pro, but bummed how much $$ they seem to be going for. Are these prices correct or way off the mark? I would think I could get a usa for this price maybe a little more. Thanks in advance. Link below is refinished rhoades pro that had a neck repair to boot, looks like total break on the headstock. Got to love the mop logo, that's why I want one, plus build quality for this era.
Dying to get an old Jackson 1990's era pro, but bummed how much $$ they seem to be going for. Are these prices correct or way off the mark? I would think I could get a usa for this price maybe a little more. Thanks in advance. Link below is refinished rhoades pro that had a neck repair to boot, looks like total break on the headstock. Got to love the mop logo, that's why I want one, plus build quality for this era.