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NGD!!! 24 frets goodiness!

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  • #16
    Sweet! Congrats.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #17
      Originally posted by wilkinsi View Post
      Ugh! Send it back . 5 springs? What you tune it to? Drop A?
      Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
      No, I was surprised to see 5 springs as well. I think they are stock as the colors all match. I have tuned it to standard E
      I've always preferred 4 or 5 springs on my Floyded guitars... tuned to either E or Eb, sometimes D the lowest. The extra springs just give the Floyd a stiffer feel.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #18
        Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
        is that the regular sized Rhoads? or the mini-rhoads?
        I have no idea. Coming to think of it, I was surprised when I picked up the box and I was expecting a monster package. its been a while since I handled another Rhoads, so someone else knowledgeable might answer that question.

        Originally posted by toejam View Post
        I've always preferred 4 or 5 springs on my Floyded guitars... tuned to either E or Eb, sometimes D the lowest. The extra springs just give the Floyd a stiffer feel.
        oh, so that's the reason why the strings are stiff and not spongy when playing MOP. And I was thinking it was because of the newer strings and/or that I've used 11's to tune the guitar to standard tuning.


        • #19
          Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
          I have no idea. Coming to think of it, I was surprised when I picked up the box and I was expecting a monster package. its been a while since I handled another Rhoads, so someone else knowledgeable might answer that question.
          perhaps RacerX can. he is quite knowledgeable about mini-rhoads models as he owns several himself.
          "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


          • #20
            It's a regular size Rhoads. An XTRR would be a little smaller.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #21
              Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
              oh, so that's the reason why the strings are stiff and not spongy when playing MOP. And I was thinking it was because of the newer strings and/or that I've used 11's to tune the guitar to standard tuning.
              Yep, the extra springs will do it. Could be also because of the 11s in standard if you're used to 9s or 10s normally.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #22
                yeah, I use 10's for standard and 11's for D-standard.

                BTW, not sure if its common for Rhoads shaped guitars...but if I tap with my fingernail along the edge of the longer wing, I get a "hollow" sound as I get closer to the tip. :think: I don't get that sound near the tip of the shorter wing. can anyone else with a Rhoads type guitar test it for me?


                • #23
                  I dont "tap" my guitars. I mean I like them, but not like that.
                  "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      Great looking Guitar...I'm digging the no frills single pup!

