Picked this up on Saturday. String thru / neck thru, Ebony board. Has an EMG HZ in the bridge position and I haven't figured out what is in the neck position. 6 digit Serial starting with 03XXXX

166982_3117169976077_1469331791_3223759_1668653687 _n by jaymzhulk, on Flickr
It is wicked light compared to my other Jacksons and I am not sure if I like the fixed bridge either (my Warrior has one too but I don't play it much)
Scored this through Craigslist for a whopping $350 (no case)
Haven't decided if I will keep it or try to trade for something with a Floyd.

166982_3117169976077_1469331791_3223759_1668653687 _n by jaymzhulk, on Flickr
It is wicked light compared to my other Jacksons and I am not sure if I like the fixed bridge either (my Warrior has one too but I don't play it much)
Scored this through Craigslist for a whopping $350 (no case)
Haven't decided if I will keep it or try to trade for something with a Floyd.