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I'm trying to find a Japanese Dinky

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  • #31
    I think the DXMG is an awesome player, pretty great quality for the price if you ask me. I didn't think the HZ's were terrible (I did replace them haha), they were pretty versatile, and gave some good sounds with proper amp tweakage. Great score on the price as well, I'm sure you'll enjoy that axe for many years to come!


    • #32
      After swapping the HZs, I've been happy with my GMG DXMG too. Nice guitars.


      • #33
        I've been thinking about getting some invaders for my guitar because I heard they were good passive pickups for death metal. Basically, I want to sound like this... NSFW


        • #34
          Invaders are nice. If not goin active, I usually go for the X2N cause theyre high output and great lowend. To find more on the peeps its probably better to search marshmellow


          • #35
            After trying out a bunch of different pickups this past month, I've come to the conclusion that the HZ's are great all-around pickups. There's quite a few crappy pickups out there.


            • #36
              What pickups did you try?


              • #37
                Originally posted by GeneticWeapon View Post
                After trying out a bunch of different pickups this past month, I've come to the conclusion that the HZ's are great all-around pickups. There's quite a few crappy pickups out there.
                basswood is pretty predictable in terms of matching it with pickups. so hearing the pickup sound clips will give you a good idea. i'm guessing this is what you mean by "trying out a bunch of pickups"?
                if you're not gigging out or too into chasing after particular tones, but just staying home and playing your new guitar, then there's no real reason to swap out the pickups. have fun. 250 is a decent deal.


                • #38
                  Yeah $250 is a decent deal, but not a good deal( just kiddin moku )
                  I personally will be pullin them hz's out asap and goin with an 85/60 combo or maybe x2n/evo.


                  • #39
                    Let us know what you find on the heel of the neck and the pocket. That was a good deal, they usually run $300+ on my local craigslist and that's when anyone lists one worth a crap.
                    Last edited by cullenszoo; 03-29-2012, 05:09 PM.
                    Turn the volume to 10 and rip off the knob!

                    Currently Shredding:
                    2007 Jackson DK2M
                    1983 Kramer Pacer Special
                    2013 Kramer 5150 Kit
                    2000ish RR Knockoff refinish.

