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Pickup replacement for the SLX

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  • Pickup replacement for the SLX

    Hi all!

    I'm toying with the idea of getting a SLX, since i always wanted a Soloist. I can't afford the USA models, and since the Japan ones are gone, this seems as the only viable solution...

    Now, i know that the Duncan Designed pickups are not the best, and i want to hear your opinions of what to replace them with. I want the SLX to be as close as an SL2H as possible in terms of sound, but since the woods are diferent (alder vs basswood), i'm not shure if the same pickups as the SL2H would be a good option.

    This is what i have in mind:
    Bridge: Seymour Duncan JB TB4
    Neck: Seymour Duncan '59 SH1N

    Do you think it would be a good option with the basswood SLX? What else do you recommend?

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    What kind of music are you into?


    • #3
      Get the guitar first and then decide if the pickups sound okay before replacing them.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        The DD pickups are pretty good. you would be going from the korean made JB/jazz to the american made. Why?


        • #5
          ^ +1, DD pickups arent bad at all. I havent ever had a desire to replace mine with the SDs. they sound fanfuckingtastic imho.
          Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


          • #6

            If you're really hellbent on wasting money, I'll gladly take a handle or two of Captain Morgan.
            "Today, I shat a brown monolith ..majestic enough for gods to stand upon" BillZ aka horns666


            • #7
              I picked up an SLX and I was not impressed with the DD pickups. Sounded a little fuzzy and I felt they lacked in sustain, even raised as far as humanly possible. It all depends on the type of music you want to play an that particular guitar, if you're playing classic rock, I could see maybe sticking with the stock pups. For my taste (playing metal/technical punk rock) I wanted something hotter so I put in the SD distortion mayhem set. They are pretty hot....I think a JB in the bridge would be plenty hot enough. I really don't play a lot of clean tones so I actually wanted a pup in the neck with a lot of drive...the distortion was a good choice.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ryanbonin View Post
                I picked up an SLX and I was not impressed with the DD pickups. Sounded a little fuzzy and I felt they lacked in sustain, even raised as far as humanly possible. It all depends on the type of music you want to play an that particular guitar, if you're playing classic rock, I could see maybe sticking with the stock pups. For my taste (playing metal/technical punk rock) I wanted something hotter so I put in the SD distortion mayhem set. They are pretty hot....I think a JB in the bridge would be plenty hot enough. I really don't play a lot of clean tones so I actually wanted a pup in the neck with a lot of drive...the distortion was a good choice.
                maybe its because the slx is neck through, they sound a bit darker, but i got a dd jb in my dk2 and its a sustaining monster. as are the detonators (sd invaders) in my ke3 and wrxt.
                Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


                • #9
                  maybe you just don't like the JB. go compare duncan designed distortion set against mayheim. In one of my guitars I have had at least 4 pickups in the bridge, 3 american made and I settled on the DD distortion.


                  • #10
                    Like previously suggested, I'd wait to play it for a few days before making a decision. If you are looking for actives, then folks here have already made awesome suggestions.

                    Passive pickups --> definitely Bareknuckle pups! Amazing! I thought about converting one of my active pup guitars to passive just to play these.


                    • #11
                      add in the cost of the bareknuckle pickups he could almost by a usa lol


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
                        add in the cost of the bareknuckle pickups he could almost by a usa lol
                        Absolutely true....but even if you had a USA, you may STILL want different pick ups. I know I might.


                        • #13
                          By the way, I WISH USA models cost that much....WHY ARE THEY SO MUCH!?!?!


                          • #14
                            Yeah I've had a guitar with some DD's in it and it sounded fine to my ears. A good amp will have way more impact on tone than a set of pickups will.
                            It's pronounced soops


                            • #15
                              I've had three guitars with DDs in them and they are NOT as good as Seymour Duncans. If they were, no one would be buying SDs.


