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Dinky XL Pro

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  • #16
    Ah, yes, the dx1, the missing link.


    • #17
      Finally finished cleaning it up! Didn't take as long as I thought it would actually... had to take 0000 steel wool to all the frets because of corrosion which I assumed was exposure to very high humidity. I've never seen one this bad, and I thought I was going to walk away. But to my surprise the neck joint had no cracks. Pretty much anything metal that didn't have room to breathe and was touching the case had corrosion. Frets 18 to 24 were pretty much completely covered:

      But it cleaned up very nice none the less! And here it is all cleaned and waxed with the rest of the family (I really need a nicer camera...):

      I have to say this guitar is awesome and I love the extra thin neck. Problem is it's kind of ruining me for my other guitars If you can find a great deal on a Pro or XL I would highly recommend it, especially if you're looking for an extra thin neck.

