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Jackson RR Professional advice

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  • Jackson RR Professional advice

    Yo guys

    I've owned a kick ass RR Pro from 1990 since 2010, and its awesome and everything, but it sadly just doesn't get enough play time.
    I dig Vs, but can't help but notice that most of the time that I actually play it, its because I'm playing it for the sake of playing it because its a shame, not because I really want to. Like with my Soloist for example. I play that mofo all the time, baby!

    So anyway, this kid who has an ESP MII (Jackson Dinky rip off basically) wants to make a trade for it+250$ and I am strongly considering it. Its just a shame that I hardly ever really play the RR.

    Any thoughts you guys wanna share?
    Anyone own an ESP MII and has any comments to say?



  • #2
    I wouldn't bite personally. RR Pros are relatively desirable so maybe put in on eBay or better yet, sign up for Platinum membership here and offer it in the Classifieds here.
    It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

    Originally posted by RD now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


    • #3
      I have two real ESP's I love but they are both neck-thrus.

      It would have to be a pretty special MII to get me to trade it away.

      What color is the RR Pro?

      What color is the MII?

      What fretboard?

      What headstock shape?

      What inlays?


      • #4

        Just like that one. Serial number J000129. Its a great guitar, I just don't really PLAY play it, like I'd do with a Soloist/Dinky.


        • #5
          Those guitars are much harder to find compared to a MII. I'd keep it! Put it back in the closet another decade or so.


          • #6
            Don't. Put it away for a while, then re-discover it. I have an M series KH, and cant get used to it. Starting to hate it really.
            "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


            • #7

              go platinum and find someone to trade for another PRO if anything. Dont go for the ESP. It will just sit there while you play the Soloist ha ha


              • #8
                Haha, thanks for the answers, guys.
                I decided not to go for it. Although the same dude is interested in trading me his old ESP Horizon.
                One JUST like this:

                Any thoughts? I have tried an old ESP Eclipse (the ones that were Teles, not Les Pauls) a few years back and I remember it being an awesome guitar.


                • #9
                  I guess it just depends. I personally prefer the jackson neck profile to esp so i would just trade for a soloist, but that esp looks nice. As long as its an esp and an ltd and you can deal with their neck profile(thicker butnarrower) id say why not.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by algeriet View Post
                    Haha, thanks for the answers, guys.
                    I decided not to go for it. Although the same dude is interested in trading me his old ESP Horizon.
                    One JUST like this:

                    Any thoughts? I have tried an old ESP Eclipse (the ones that were Teles, not Les Pauls) a few years back and I remember it being an awesome guitar.
                    I have one of these. It's one of my number 1 guitars.

                    Tough decision now. I think I'd go with the ESP Horizon, provided it is EXACTLY like that one, headstock and all.


                    • #11
                      Its EXACTLY the same except his has been upgraded to a Schaller Floyd Rose and I dunno the pickups, but they're open coil.
                      Dear DonP; how is the neck compared to a Jackson neck?



                      • #12
                        It's not the same as a Jackson - more of a U shape. But still very playable. I have a Custom Custom in the bridge and an OFR. Sounds fantastic every time I play it.

