So today my first non strat syle guitar came in the mail. Picked up a 1990s King V Standard with a serial starting with 31 (not sure what year). Ever since I started playing guitar in 7th grade I've always wanted a King V, mainly because of Dave Mustaine. On top of that I've always wanted a vintage Jackson as well because I've heard about how great their quality was. So in a way I knocked two birds with one stone with this score. Scored it off the internet from Music Go Round which atleast in the Midwest used to be fairly common to find one of their stores but in recent years they have closed almost all of them. Anyway scored off of there for $200 including the original hardshell case. She is a little beat up but that is ok considering it is a V that is about 20 or so years old, typical Jackson/V wear and tear. The tips of the headstock and the wing tips are a little knicked up, as well the body has some finish blemishes such as like belt rash and all that. So far it has been great it is even rivaling my DK2M which is quite surprising, I just need to find out what the bridge pickup is because it is not stock. It could potentially be a vintage Duncan or maybe its a DImarzio, have to pull it out and see. 
