Got a great deal on The Bay for this one. Apparently these were a limited release and, as much as I wanted the black/white bevels model, the quilt top looks pretty exceptional up close. This plays like butter!!
Having never owned a guitar with active pups before, the EMGs will take some getting used to. They sound great, even clean. Overall, for a MIC guitar, I'm very impressed. I love the unfinished satin neck and the overall balance of her. I expected this to be much lighter with the basswood body wings, but she's got a nice weight to her. Not Les Paul heavy...but not Ibanez RG light either. If any upgrades are going to happen here, it will likely be the installation of a "tremel-no" so I can drop-d without any tuning issues.
On with the guitar porn...

I got her as a "factory 2nd", but couldn't find any functional/cosmetic issues with the small exception of a slight discoloration on a tiny bit of binding on the lower part of the neck by the cutaway. Not enough to make a big issue...unless you paid the full $699 these were listed at. I got this for $445 shipped.
Having never owned a guitar with active pups before, the EMGs will take some getting used to. They sound great, even clean. Overall, for a MIC guitar, I'm very impressed. I love the unfinished satin neck and the overall balance of her. I expected this to be much lighter with the basswood body wings, but she's got a nice weight to her. Not Les Paul heavy...but not Ibanez RG light either. If any upgrades are going to happen here, it will likely be the installation of a "tremel-no" so I can drop-d without any tuning issues.
On with the guitar porn...

I got her as a "factory 2nd", but couldn't find any functional/cosmetic issues with the small exception of a slight discoloration on a tiny bit of binding on the lower part of the neck by the cutaway. Not enough to make a big issue...unless you paid the full $699 these were listed at. I got this for $445 shipped.