The 32 has the fret ends hanging out which I can fix but I took a closer look and saw a hump in the neck around 12 thru 17th fret.
Not horrible actually and I'm sure I could pull a few frets and get the hump out with not much problem.Install a few new frets and level it and be good to go.
Actually for the low price fixing it wouldn't cost me anything but time.
I mean the issue is minor and maybe just a fret level might be enough to make it play just fine.I see irregular fret boards a lot so no big deal really.
Still may pick it up in a few days anyway because its a damn pretty guitar.
$439 down from $649 I think the ATL was a better guitar for the money.
Not horrible actually and I'm sure I could pull a few frets and get the hump out with not much problem.Install a few new frets and level it and be good to go.
Actually for the low price fixing it wouldn't cost me anything but time.
I mean the issue is minor and maybe just a fret level might be enough to make it play just fine.I see irregular fret boards a lot so no big deal really.
Still may pick it up in a few days anyway because its a damn pretty guitar.
$439 down from $649 I think the ATL was a better guitar for the money.