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Number 2 in JS32 Spring Cavity?

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  • Number 2 in JS32 Spring Cavity?

    Hey guys, pretty much as the title says, in the spring cavity of my JS32 DKA-M there is a large no. 2 in black font. Sorry if this question seems stupid but I've been wondering if it has any meaning since I've gotten this guitar almost a year ago, also I've searched this on the internet to no avail so I thought who better to ask than you guys
    P.S If anyone has any cool setup tips/advice for the floyd etc. please let me know, I think I have this axe setup fairly well but I always like to tweak and make improvements :P

  • #2
    Might be a factory second?


    • #3
      Could be, would that mean that it's inferior or something? I couldn't and can't find any flaws that would make this guitar a B stock sort of thing unless it has something to do with the body itself? :P


      • #4
        but a flaw before it was painted would be covered over.

        And don't fret none. Factory 2nds could be any number of things. It doesn't always mean that someone screwed up. A power failure while the paint is being mixed could cause your cobalt blue look electric blue. Is that a bad thing?

        As to setup advice --- there is only one way to set a floyd.


        • #5
          My guess is, it doesn't mean 2nd. I haven't seen the markings on that model before, so I don't know.
          Were there any other markings/stamps? Dates? Model name?

          I do know there have been plenty of factory second Jacksons on ebay over the years, and all of them had an orange sticker with a serial indicating they were 2nds. Some were stamped 'used' or another marking I can't remember.

          My point is: I'm quite sure a second would have to be marked somewhere in plain view on the guitar.
          96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.


          • #6
            Right. The company that Jackson works with for refurbishing will stamp USED on the headstock and remove the old serial number sticker and stick their own serial number on.

            I get the impression that any guitar that is returned to a seller for any reason is then sent to the refurbishing company in TN, unless the seller takes on the responsibility and sells it as a customer-return or used. Apparently some "refurbished" guitars have no repairs made to them at all, which means the refurbisher couldn't find any fault with the guitar.

            So I agree that the 2 means something else. Could be any internal manufacturing code. Who knows.

