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JS22 DKA-7 7-String Guitar is made in China?

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  • JS22 DKA-7 7-String Guitar is made in China?

    Hello all,

    I got this guitar from Sam Ash and didn't think much about it, I was just drawn to the looks and the initial feel of it. So if this is indeed made outside of the US, does that make it a bad guitar? I spent the money to have a good set up done by Guitar Center and also got new Fishman Fluence Modern 7 pickups for it as well as D'Addario NYXL heavier gauge strings and right now it plays exceptionally well.

    First time posting on here, just wanted to know thoughts and opinions on getting not too expensive gear and then spending the money instead on good set up and upgrades.

    One day at a time

  • #2
    Yes, the current JS Series Jackson guitars are made in China. No, they are not inherently bad guitars, although as with any guitar, it's up to the prospective buyer/owner to weed out the lemons, and try to pick winners. All that matters is that it plays exceptionally well (by your own admission) and that you are happy with it. It looks like you picked a winner.

    I've owned a Chinese-made 2013 JS32T Rhoads that punched way above its weight class. I loved the feel of that highly familiar Jackson neck and compound radius fretboard, but I saw an opportunity to sell it for profit and the Rhoads body shape isn't the best match for me, so I sold it.

    I keep hearing how most non-USA budget-priced / entry-level guitars & amps these days are incredible compared to beginner instruments of bygone decades, that "kids these days are SO lucky to start on these awesome cheap guitars because in my day we had plywood junk that wouldn't stay in tune, played through Gorilla amps". I haven't been alive along enough to try out starter guitars from past decades but I do know that I am quite impressed with current ones.


    • #3
      Hey now... I had a Hondo and a gorilla amp..........
      A few Charvels, a bunch of Jacksons, JVM full stack, valve king half stack and an 4000 watt PA for a home stereo, my neighbors love me....


      • #4
        Hondo were fine but those Gorilla amps sucked major balls. I got one that lasted 2 days,, waited a week for it to be repaired, as soon as i got it home it died again. The shop gave me a new one, got it home & it died after an hour. Went back, they had one more in stock, tested it in store, all good,, got it home & the next day it went the same way as the other 2.
        They gave me an Akai equivalent that still works today, that's 31years ago.

        As for Jackson's JS Series, you won't find a better guitar at that price point.


        • #5
          lol, I recently bought one used, i expected it to be a buzzing POS lol, thing plays amazing.
          Even so, OP, you did right, id bet with a pro setup it plays as good as a high dollar guitar..


          • #6
            Hey, I just bought this guitar and it is fantastic for the price.
            Mine has a great neck with no buzz. Curious to know from anyone that bought one
            Does anyone have the serial number on their guitar with a sticker (back of headstock)
            rather than burnt in? Mine is a sticker. I contacted Jackson and the guy I spoke
            to was going to look into it but never got back to me. wondering why it is different.


            • #7
              Mine is not a sticker, but I wouldn't worry about it, my older pro has a sticker and now they're on the wood.
              I think they just changed methods, that's all.

              BTY, mine did not come intonated, so i intonated it


              • #8
                HI. When I bought mine I made them take one right out of a box
                And Liked the one that was on display better, as it had zero
                fretbuzz compared to out of box and needed set up.
                you have to make them open a new one in order to get your
                owners manual & warranty card/trem tool.

                I guess the stickered ones might be an older production run, I guess.
                Very light guitar, plays well with light strings.

