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King V Pro

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  • King V Pro

    Hey guys,
    For those of you who remember my last post about an all white dinky standard that I passed up on, I think I found a better deal. I found somebody online that has a king v pro for sale for $300. I'm pretty sure this is a good deal, but I'm still waiting for a picture of it and a list of anything that might be wrong with it. Just out of curiousity though, what (if anything) would make you turn down this offer? Such as, the amount of body damage and things like that. Plus, I don't know what kind of pickups came stock on these, so if any of you know, can you tell me? Yes, it is a reliable source.
    thanks dudes

  • #2
    Re: King V Pro

    Depends on exactly which Pro model it is. If it's the Mustaine KV Pro, it'll have the Kahler bridge that Dave himself didn't like, but it works, and it's a neckthrough, so it's gonna cost a bit more.
    If it's the bolt-on KV Pro like the KV-3, $300 ain't bad if it's got the case.
    The original pickups for the DM KV Pro were a Jackson J50B and a Lawrence XL250 (or a Jackson copy) in the neck.
    The KV-3 had some sort of Jackson pickups (J50B and N I think - nothing special)

    The thing to remember about Jackson imports is that they use cheap pickups and hardware, and put more money into wood and construction quality, because you can replace the cheap hardware and pickups, but if you get bad wood, you're stuck with bad wood that no amount of good hardware can fix.

    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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    • #3
      Re: King V Pro

      The guy still hasn't gotten back to me yet as to which pro it is, but he did say that it comes with the case.

