Picked this up last week for an absolute steal of a price. It's an SL3X Soloist, Indonesian made. Needed a bit of tweaking out of the box, but once I'd slackened off the truss rod, restrung it and fitted a push-in trem arm, it plays really nicely! Rsmacker thinks I should paint it hot pink but I'm quite enjoying the stealth look at the moment, tbh
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NGD: Back in the Jackson family
Congratulations. How much did you pay for yours? I briefly owned a slime green 2015 SL3X at an irresistible price and overall it played well for what it was: https://www.jcfonline.com/forum/equi...n-sl3x-soloist
The SL3X actually used to be offered in neon pink (https://www.google.ca/search?newwind...4dUDCAU&uact=5) but it doesn't appear to be offered any longer (https://www.jacksonguitars.com/gear/...l3x/2916342504).