I haven't purchased a guitar in a long time. Last one was about 7 years ago. Started really playing again and came across the new rainbow crackle. It's completely ridiculous and had to have one. Arrived yesterday. The paint work is excellent and stunning.
It felt great to play and was really enjoying it but something felt off on the high E string near the 24th fret. Turns out the strings aren't straight with the fretboard. The high E is so close to the end your fingers don't feel like they are on the fretboard.
I haven't determined if it's the neck or the bridge that is messed up but I'm not sure it really matters at this point
It felt great to play and was really enjoying it but something felt off on the high E string near the 24th fret. Turns out the strings aren't straight with the fretboard. The high E is so close to the end your fingers don't feel like they are on the fretboard.
I haven't determined if it's the neck or the bridge that is messed up but I'm not sure it really matters at this point