** I think I am going to sell it 'as is', therefore I am not interested in ripping it apart to see the neck pocket. **
I recently came into a large amount of guitars and associated items. The original owners are unavailable for comment.
While it is completely possible (and probable) that non-trem guitars have been routed for trems, and bodies sanded and re-painted, I can tell you they wouldn't "go cheap" by using fake parts.
So, help me out with what all is going on with this Jackson:
The complete guitar... the neck is fairly easy - DKMG. The body, which I believe belongs with the standalone neck is a DX10D ? But the knobs are slightly back.
Worth noting, on the back, both covers are raised. The trem plate may or may not be original, but there is a 2nd set of screw holes underneath it.
As far as the neck screws go, it could have been one of those "angled heels", which may or may not help narrow down a model, but I am leaning more towards that being a modification due to the paint transition.
The separate neck has nothing written/stamped where the screws go. But does have (not pictured) on the butt end, what looks like DK7 but could also be PRT. And there is a Z stamped into the fretboard.
The DR would make sense because of the reverse headstock. But it certainly isn't a 7 string.
The tremolo - no markings other than the "licensed under". Looks like a 590, so it is probably a 500 ? But without a Jackson or Charvel logo stamped on it. And, as I said, the guy wouldn't go cheap. A "real" 500 is better than a fake one, but is still a little junky for the guy to use.
The pickups, tuners, knobs, and electronics have all been replaced, so that will not help us one bit. And the boxes of parts won't tell us anything either due to the volume of them which could belong to anything.
Any thoughts?