I'm used to playing 25.5" scale with 24 frets. Looking to get a Rhoads. But as always with Jackson I can't find what I really want so have to compromise on something. Likely I'll go with a Pro Rhoads RRT-3 so I'm wondering what it feels like to play a 25.5" neck with 22 frets. I'm not much of a lead player so I don't think I'll miss the 2 frets, although for a metal guitar I think it's dumb not to have 24 frets.
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What's a 22-fret neck like?
opposite for me... most of my favorite guitars have 22 frets. the guitars which do have 24 frets I can get confused about my position when I'm playing up by the 19th or 21st frets since the extra frets throw me off, visually and feel-wise. doesn't take too long to get accustomed though. if you're not playing up in those positions, there is no difference.
Players a million times better than I'll ever be have been getting away with not having 24 frets forever, so I wouldn't let that stop me.Database (WIP) https://mechas64castles.net/CharvelJackson.html
My collection also there!