And bringeth me this sweet-ass fusion pro, courtesy of Mike (Model 88). This axe just rocks balls! Good timing too.. got here on my B-day [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
This guitar is in most excellent condition. As Mike said there are some blems on the body finish but everything is rock solid, and the neck is just SWEET!
Here's the obligatory pic... sorry it's a little blurry, my room lighting is very low and I have to increase the exposure time in order to get enough light, making it hard to take a non-blurry picture.
I will take far better pics tomorrow, but for now, here goes:

My plans: She's gettin a dimebucker, and possibly a decal or something for the body.
This guitar is in most excellent condition. As Mike said there are some blems on the body finish but everything is rock solid, and the neck is just SWEET!
Here's the obligatory pic... sorry it's a little blurry, my room lighting is very low and I have to increase the exposure time in order to get enough light, making it hard to take a non-blurry picture.
I will take far better pics tomorrow, but for now, here goes:
My plans: She's gettin a dimebucker, and possibly a decal or something for the body.