[img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] after asking many questions and doin some research and bouncing back between either to get a DK or a DXMG i decided on this from www.eastonguitars.com
this guy has the best price and he offers all black hardware [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] which i think looks much nicer than the chrome [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]
this DK will get a OFR and a duncan TB 5 custom at the bridge and a lil 59er at the neck!
hope it plays as good as it looks? it looks like a BLOODFINISH
[img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] LOL!!!!

this guy has the best price and he offers all black hardware [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] which i think looks much nicer than the chrome [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]
this DK will get a OFR and a duncan TB 5 custom at the bridge and a lil 59er at the neck!
hope it plays as good as it looks? it looks like a BLOODFINISH
