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Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

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  • Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

    Anybody have any experience with this guitar? I have a chance to pick one up , but did'nt want to end up with a piece of junk. Please share your opinions..... Thanks Reverend Timmy
    Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........

  • #2
    Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

    Well, a japanese dinky is a good guitar by itself. I would think having a sustainer would only make it better. Some places sell them new for $449.


    • #3
      Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

      Hey there, you might want to put this in the import Jackson forum as more members that would know about these hang out in there. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

      Dave ->

      "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


      • #4
        Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

        I have owned a DK2S for nigh on 2 years now, and I am quite happy with it. It plays as equally well as any other DK2 you might find. I thought originally (before I bought the guitar) that I would be using the Sustainiac in high gain scenarios, but once I got it I found that it was just the opposite--I use the thing almost exclusively in a super clean channel setting, using the low-harmonic setting of the Sustainiac. It gives me a really nice, sweet, violin-type effect, and all without picking a single note. (I use the right hand instead, to dampen or mute any strings I am not playing on, and let my left hand either hammer-on or pull-off the next notes or chords I want to play; sounds really cool with octaves too, for that pipe organ type feel. Pretty versatile little pickup, and it gives me new ideas for things all the time, in a lot of subtle ways. It isn't something that I would use so much as an effect, but more to add ambiences and nuances to an already great song that lends itself to what this guitar(i.e. pickup) can do. It's worth the money, I'd say. It kinda sucks for me too, cause I own 4 Jacksons (one main drop-C tuned one, one main standard 440 tuned one, and a backup for each of them), and I am always torn on which tuning I want for this DK2S, because I write in both tunings! I guess maybe the answer would be to go and buy myself another one...(sweet sweet voice to the girlfriend) "Oh, honnnnney......Ya know what I really, really need to buy? Now just listen first before ya start preaching to me about guitars again, honey." [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

          ....and THIS is why I hear her ***** a lot:
          when I am not @ band practice, etc. etc., this is what's in our living room!.....

          [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] she can ***** till the cows come home too, but that ain't gonna change a thing, lol!


          • #6
            Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

            Hey guys,

            I love my DK2S too, I've only had it for a month or so. But I have a problem that I hope you guys can help with.

            I changed the stock bridge PU to a DiMarzio Super Distortion two weeks ago, and everything was fine.

            Then I decided to put in a Duncan Custom Custom to see how it sounds, didn't like it, and I started to hear this background hiss... so I put the Super Distortion back, AND the hiss was STILL there!

            I have taken it to two different guitar techs and they both said there is nothing wrong with my wiring and there is not much they can do.

            The hiss I am talking about is not the noise that sometimes accompanies high output pickups, this is a lot noisier, and was not there when I installed the Super Distortion the first time, but was there the second time. This is just for the bridge pickup position.

            When I first got the guitar, there was also a slight high-pitched whine whenever I use the neck pickup (the Sustainiac Driver), is this normal for DK2S?

            Sorry for being OT, but I am getting pretty desperate [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

              I've had mine for a few months, but haven't noticed a whine like you describe. I too like it more with a clean sound, though with a rhythm crunch
              sound and moderate gain it does the Ebow
              or Don't Fear The Reaper things quite well.

              The only drag is, by changing out the bridge pickup you've probably voided your warranty, whether anything you did was related or not. That means you'll have to pay to fix it. Maybe email/PM some of the FMIC/Jackson honchos to see if they can help you though; you never know!
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

                Just in case you haven't done so already, try changing to a fresh battery. I don't know how the wiring works on the DK2S but, I do know that that was what was wrong which a Model Six I picked up.


                • #9
                  Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

                  Thanks guys, I am pleasantly embarrassed to say that it really was the battery [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                  Last week I did pop in a "new" battery that has seen some light use, apparently that wasn't new enough for the Sustainer. Just now I popped in a brand new battery and the hum has virtually disappeared. I am glad it isn't something else that may be hard to diagnose/expensive to fix.

                  So now I am happy with my bridge pickup situation, but I still have a bit of a high-pitched whine when I am using the Sustainer as a neck pickup though. It happens when the Sustainer is OFF with the mode switch on either the Fundamental position or the Mix position. But is gone when I switch to the Harmonic posiiton. But since the Sustainer is OFF, and I am using it as a neck pickup, why would the posiiton of the Mode switch make a difference?

                  This high-pitched whine has been there since the day it arrived, I assumed it was normal for a Sustainer, but I might as well ask you guys to see if you have experienced that too. It is VERY high-pitched, like a very quiet harmonic feedback. It happens even when I mute all strings. My tech also heard it when I brought it in to him.

                  Anybody experienced this before? Could this be a grounding problem of some sort? It doesn't bother me anymore now that I've discovered how to "turn it off", but if there is any way to eliminate it altogether then that would be even better.


                  • #10
                    Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

                    sorry, double post


                    • #11
                      Re: Jackson DK2S Sustainer : Opinions ?

                      Can't say I have ever had that happen with my DK2S...I make sure to turn it 'off' every time I use it, and hell I only use the thing once in awhile..... Could be a grounding problem though, I suppose? Anyone else here happen to know if it could be a grounding problem?

