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DK2S... Right one for my son?

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  • DK2S... Right one for my son?

    As a proud father of 3 boys I would say that it would be a great choice. I nice import like this is a Kick as next step [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] Although the sustainer system would be cool, if it were one of my boys I would probably just get them a DK2.

    I know when I was a kid and broke a string or something how long it would take me to get to the music store and replace it, let alone get a batterie for one of my pedals. Also as far as technique goes, if that was me a 11 that's all I would do is use the sustainer and then not really know how to work the fretboard IMO. That's my take [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

    I am almost finished biulding my sons next guitar. He is 9 now and has been learning for almost a year. I built him a parts mutt dinky reverse. He has a little trouble with the neck width. Being a few years older, your son should do great with the DK2.



    • #3
      DK2S... Right one for my son?

      Hey to e1 from the sands of Kuwait! I'm planning on buying my 11 year old son, Randy (take a guess who he's named after [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] ), a new guitar when I return home. He's been playin about a year and loves 80's metal (there IS a God... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) I started him out with just a basic package with a Squier (hard to play POS) and Fender Frontman and taught him the basics. Before I came over I bought him a Marshall amp and began the search for a decent guitar that he can play more easily. My search always led me back to Jackson. I'll send him pics thru email and he will give me the thumbs up/down. Luckily he has the same taste as me when it comes to style and features. I've pretty much set my sights on the DK2S. It has the style he wants, the hardware he needs and I think he can have fun with the sustainiac system. Here's my question for all you veteran Jackson players..... do you think I've made the right choice? My only concern is the width of the neck/frets. Thoughts any one? Thanks from a former 80's headbangin player and now a proud papa!! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
      My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


      • #4
        Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

        Anyone else wanna give up some advice. I've been reading all through this forum and there are quite a few of you who are regular posters and I would actually take your advice to heart. Thanx again!!
        My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


        • #5
          Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

          I have owned a DK2S for almost 2 years now, and I still think it plays great. I use the Sustainiac differently than I thought that I would, prior to buying the guitar though; I use it almost exclusively for clean or acoustic stuff, and it gives you a nice cool violin-type effect, when used right. For a first guitar for a beginner starting out, I'd say your son couldn't be a luckier beginner than to have THAT one as his first. (Although it is sure to make his tastes in guitars a little more expensive, down the road. [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] ...Heck my first FOUR guitars were worth $80 ALTOGETHER TOTAL, lmao!)
          THEN I finally got my hands on a good one....Lucky boy, your son, to have a Dad that'll buy him a Jackson! Kudos to you, Dad... [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

            Thanx for the kudos, Karm!! I'm doin this cuz of his desire to play AND I remember what it was like to learn to play on a POS. It's hard to play on a cheap guitar and your really limited to the sounds you can produce. This way he'll love playin and be able to find HIS sound. I keep stressing to him that the sound I like may not necessarily be the one he likes. But he'll sure have fun searching for it, won't he? LOL! Did I mention that I spoil this kid rotten? [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] LMAO!! Thanx again for the input. I would really like to hear other's opinions as well pls!! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
            My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


            • #7
              Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

              It's wide, but also thin; I think that will equal out. I love My DK2S, and for the guy who mentioned going for batteries, the guitar works as a regular
              DK2 without batteries, so it's not like an EMG-loaded guitar that's dead when the battery dies. I think it'd make his axe unique among his buddies' metal axes of the same price neighborhood. AS said above, it is REALLY cool to use the Sustainer with clean settings, and it will teach him great palm-muting technique; you have to mute the strings you don't want sounding or it'll get away from you, so it'll actually improve his technique in that area.

              You're one helluva dad! The Squier was a
              good idea at first, just so now he'll appreciate a good axe all the more!

              Pics of the guitar and the guitarist when you get it, Dad! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                Pics of the guitar and the guitarist when you get it, Dad!
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Definitely need to see the pics!!!!! good call lerxstcat


                • #9
                  Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                  I just have to say you are one hell of a dad!!! Kudos to you for being willing to support your son so much. When I was young I couldn't get a decent guitar no matter what I did. I honestly can't give you much of an idea though for what an 11 yr old would like but I do have a DK2 and it is an awesome axe. The neck width will take some getting used to but he will definitely grow into it.


                  • #10
                    Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                    Thanx Lerx! I'm in Kuwait now so it'll be June before I get back home and get it for him. But I will definitely get a pic on here for you guys.
                    My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


                    • #11
                      Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                      You guys were right! I've been talking with Kevin at Easton Guitars via email and man, what a great guy! I can get a DK2S with an upgraded distortion pup in the bridge along with the case for a whole lot less than the other guys want for just the stock guitar. I sent my son all the info along with pics (he wants the basic black) and he's already drooling! [img]graemlins/drool2.gif[/img] What's everyone's opinion on the black hardware on the black finish? I looked at a pic of the DXMG and thought it looks cool. Thanx again to everyone for all the advice and valuable info in this forum.
                      Signed, A Future Rock Star's Dad [img]graemlins/baby.gif[/img] ...... [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img]
                      My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


                      • #12
                        Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                        Mine's in a black cherry finish with chrome hardware; check it out....
                        I didn't know that the black models came with black hardware too; boy, I sure would have liked to have gotten black hardware on mine!


                        • #13
                          Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                          Hey Halsey....great choice for your boys first guitar [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

                          Your profile says you are USAF in NC...are you at Seymour Johnson??

                          SDavis and I are Marines at MCAS Cherry Point...when you get back, we'll all have to get together for a beer or 2 and have a cook-out here. We have a 500 pd calf in our freezer and the grill WILL be fired up [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                          Again, congrats and by all means, be safe out there bro..... [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                            You will definitely have to get up with us when you get back to civilization. Its gotta be rough as hell over there. When you get back, you need to check out Greenville Guitars...the last 2 times we went we brought something home. This last trip we brought home 2. Seriously though, let us know when you get back and we can cook up some serious t-bones and grab a keg or something.

                            Mrs LPC [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: DK2S... Right one for my son?

                              Hey Les! Yup, I'm stationed at "Shady J"! Small world, huh? So you guys are jarheads [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img] ....... hrmph... I mean Marines, huh? [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] LMAO! J/K. That's cool. Tell ya what, I left home last Jan and didn't get home from this Godforsaken part of the world until Aug and here I am again. After last year, I have mucho respect for you guys and my Army bretheren for what you guys do! [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] In fact, when my folks who worked for me over there would start bitchin' [img]graemlins/baby.gif[/img] , I'd hold up these pics of what your guys were goin through. Needless to say, they'd shut the hell up. We'll definitely have to get together and cook that puppy!
                              My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!

