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Possible RXLE???

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  • Possible RXLE???

    Ok guys seeing the other RRLE thread die and what not, I thought top come up with a new idea so to speak...

    The only difference between this and a RX10D is the maple board, would it be possible for use to get aLTD run of these?

    I gather from the posts about LE's that we need 100 people for this to get up and running?

    Would you think it could happen, i'd defintately be interested!

    Specs the only differences should be reverse or non reverse black sharkies on maple, so dont ask for a string through bridge or whatever....

    EMG's we can be decisive about these either twin 81's 81/85, 81/60, or 85/60A

    I'd be intersted in the later combintations, however if we agree to make it a standard optio of havign twin 81's then we can always quite easily change the EMG's around to our liking....

    Let me knowwhat you think, I personally think this could work, if I can afford it I will be buying at least two, we'll go through Vwall or Mattsmusic center I will contact both to enquire and see what the rules about import LE's are, maybe jackson will be more felxible if it's simply changing the fretboard and electronics....

    I thought that if We keep the Specs minus the pickups and choice of non/reverse sharkies then it might work, hell we could do half reverse half non reverse....
    I'f your wondering why I put it in the Import run well because I thought to test the Waters here first for some feedback, then we'll post a new thread in the LE section, if it gets finalised and what not....


  • #2
    Thanks for the email my man!
    I would be intersted in doing the run if we can get enuff people involved.
    Please keep me posted!


    • #3
      originally i was under the impression that the entire pro and mg series imports would be re-released as maple board versions but looks like only the dk2 got the 'm' conversion. too bad it didn't happen with the other models.
      Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

      "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


      • #4
        Let me start off buy saying I have no money, so my opinion may not count for much. As an added disclaimer I may not have a clue what I'm talking about. :P

        But can't a small order be done (more) cheaply if one were to stick with off the shelf stuff? Seems to me you should be able to get one of >>these<< with a DK2M neck and black hardware as an LE import? Some comibnation of off-the-shelf RR body and DK2M neck anyway. I'm not sure if just bolting on a different neck would still count as a small batch tho...

        Originally posted by matt from the RR LE thread
        Here's what I've been given so far, I'm working on the specs above right now. The info below applies to a regular import production model, not the guitar you guys are trying to get built. Figured I'd throw it up here as an FYI anyway.

        Jackson Import Small Batch Run:

        * 24 piece minimum.
        * Price varies depending on specifics.
        * ETA: 120 days from the date the order is placed.
        * Allowed changes from model selected are hardware color, brand/model of pickups and finish.

        Stay tuned for more info...
        |My CSG gallery|


        • #5
          The DK2M neck would not work on the RRs though, because it's a 24-fret neck and the RR is configured for 22.


          • #6
            Ah, but that jacksonstars I linked is a 24. :P

            They are made right beside the import jacksons right? So I day-dreamed that maybe they'd let ya do that for a small batch. Wishful thinking?
            |My CSG gallery|


            • #7
              I should think that available imports applies to the ones you can easily get at guitar center and jackson dealers, sadly this does not include jackson stars....

              I am glad we havent got any i want this that the other psots....

              if we stick with this idea We might be lucky enough to get it on the ground running....

              I'f we get enough people on board we might be able to make 50 of each we'll have to ask jackson if they are willing to do this, aslong as we keep the specs as reverse/non reverse, and emg's/black hardware then we should be all set to go!



              • #8
                Well if the DK2Ms sell well, maybe you could use that as a pitch to AMS or some big company to do a run. I think it would be pretty hard to get enough people on just this forum.. so at the very least you'd have to round up people from other places I think.

                I dunno, just a thought.


                • #9
                  We've tried this before. But anything apart from finish, hardware or pickup changes are considered "woodworking" (even though it would only require swapping in an existing neck), and that would require 100 pieces being made (does not qualify for a small batch run). Get 100 people to sign up, and you'll have it. :P


                  • #10
                    I am not a big RR body fan, but the idea rocks. I would be for a 1 hum DK2M though!! Jack.


                    • #11
                      Yeah well perhaps I might have to pitch the idea in a few other places too to see if anyone would be interested, it's a shame I cant just buy a replacement maple 22 fret neck for an RX10D.

                      I would prefer to give this to a good jackson dealer, and some one perhaps more trustworthy, i've never liked dealing with places like ams for guitars themselves...

                      Who know's I thinka model similar to this perhaps with Hz's would sell quite well, maybe two versions one with a Floyd and one with a string through bridge....

                      I doubt we could get a 100 people interested in this, who knows...

                      I have a distinct feeling that this would be something people would buy when it was in the dealers....

                      It'd just be a shame if we can't get it running because of jacksons refusal to change the fretboard material within our order limit, perhaps we can get 100 people onboard I hope so!



                      • #12
                        It would probably be easier to do a run like the DK2LE which is basically a 1 hum version of the DK2M since the DK2M is NOW a production model. I forget if the addition or removal of a pickup is considered a major or minor modification requiring 100 or more pieces...

                        I still can't believe it took such a long time to get only 24 people onboard for the DK2LE. I'm sure that would have never happened if the requirement was set to 100. Glad we got in before Jackson changed their collective minds on a mimimum required # of guitars for a limited edition batch.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jackson-Charvel
                          It would probably be easier to do a run like the DK2LE which is basically a 1 hum version of the DK2M since the DK2M is NOW a production model. I forget if the addition or removal of a pickup is considered a major or minor modification requiring 100 or more pieces...

                          I still can't believe it took such a long time to get only 24 people onboard for the DK2LE. I'm sure that would have never happened if the requirement was set to 100. Glad we got in before Jackson changed their collective minds on a mimimum required # of guitars for a limited edition batch.
                          +1, if a DK2M with 1 Hum flies, I am in for sure!! Jack.

