Well figured I'd go ahead and break in my username the right way. I went to go buy a new guitar the other day and went out playing in the guitar shops around town. Now I have always been an ESP fan and have played them for years now but I decided I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg on a new guitar. Well after a few hours of playing different guitars I cam across this guitar...

I couldn't even play it because it was so bad out of tune and the store was closing in like 15 minutes and the sales rep couldn't find an allen tool lol. So I picked it up and immediately loved the neck. So smooth and thin I could tell it would definitely fit with my play style. The weight of the guitar was nice and light too. He let me plug in (as out of tune as it was ) to some Line 6 digital thing. It sounded like absolute crap, but i chalked it up to the guitar being out of tune, dead strings, and an amp I've never cared to play. So I bought it anyway lol. Had him throw in a HSC, free strings, and some of my favoite picks all for $450 out the door. Not a bad deal considering I had 30 days to bring the guitar back if I didn't like it.
So I get it home, change strings, set intonation, and tune the guitar. I put it back in its case and take it to band practice, still yet to have plugged it into a real amp while it was in tune and played it lol. Get to band practice and I plug it into "the beast" as I like to call it

Ok enough of the boring story. Let me tell you this guitar blew me away. It cut right through everything and sounded studio quality. I was simply in shock and awe! I mean how could this guitar that cost less than half of my EC series ESP loaded with 60/81 EMG's, sound so much better?!?!? I mean I had never played through Seymour Duncans really, mostly because the look of them always turned me away, but WOW!
This Jackson sounds better, feels better, plays better, and stays in tune just as good as all my other guitars that cost way more. Un-freakin-believable. Im sold on Jackson now. And is this even one of their better made guitars?
28 more days left on my grace period to bring it back. I think it's safe to say this Jackson has a new home and will probably be getting some Jackson friends in the near future!

I couldn't even play it because it was so bad out of tune and the store was closing in like 15 minutes and the sales rep couldn't find an allen tool lol. So I picked it up and immediately loved the neck. So smooth and thin I could tell it would definitely fit with my play style. The weight of the guitar was nice and light too. He let me plug in (as out of tune as it was ) to some Line 6 digital thing. It sounded like absolute crap, but i chalked it up to the guitar being out of tune, dead strings, and an amp I've never cared to play. So I bought it anyway lol. Had him throw in a HSC, free strings, and some of my favoite picks all for $450 out the door. Not a bad deal considering I had 30 days to bring the guitar back if I didn't like it.
So I get it home, change strings, set intonation, and tune the guitar. I put it back in its case and take it to band practice, still yet to have plugged it into a real amp while it was in tune and played it lol. Get to band practice and I plug it into "the beast" as I like to call it

Ok enough of the boring story. Let me tell you this guitar blew me away. It cut right through everything and sounded studio quality. I was simply in shock and awe! I mean how could this guitar that cost less than half of my EC series ESP loaded with 60/81 EMG's, sound so much better?!?!? I mean I had never played through Seymour Duncans really, mostly because the look of them always turned me away, but WOW!
This Jackson sounds better, feels better, plays better, and stays in tune just as good as all my other guitars that cost way more. Un-freakin-believable. Im sold on Jackson now. And is this even one of their better made guitars?
28 more days left on my grace period to bring it back. I think it's safe to say this Jackson has a new home and will probably be getting some Jackson friends in the near future!