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JB and Jazz in an SLSMG: 1st impressions

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  • JB and Jazz in an SLSMG: 1st impressions

    The biggest difference (this is all pre-tweak on a Vetta II rig, mind you) between the EMG HZ's and the SD's, is the definition and tightness while picking a lower note sequence, muted or open. The HZ's tended to be mushy, and lacked clarity. With the JB, you can actually hear the tone of the note thru the chug of the distortion (and quite well). It seemed to be very well-balanced, with no glaring high/mid/low spikes. I didnt pay attention to the capacitor I have on the pot, but theres a few people who say that if you have a problem with high end from a JB being to overbearing, to try a .02 (or was it a .2) capacitor (sorry, cap's are totally new to me) and it would tame the high end.

    I'll add to this, after I have more than 15 minutes to play with it at practice tonight, as I'm sure most of you know the tweaking monster known as "Vetta". I'll also have an idea of what the Jazz can do as well.

    With minimal tweaking, I can say this much; if you are thinking about replacing EMG HZ's, I would wager to say that any decent aftermarket pickup would be an improvement.

  • #2
    Well, after spending some time with this new pup config, I have to say, I'm very pleased with the outcome.

    The JB in the SLSMG is a match made in heaven. Very smooth under high gain settings, very toneful, and fat. It can handle drop tunings like it was meant for the job, while retaining its clarity.

    The jazz, very exceedingly nice for clean stuff, and is no slouch on the leads either. Although, I'm not as impressed with the Jazz as I am with the JB in my setup so far, it still is an upgrade from the stock HZ's. The jazz just seems to lack the body (or maybe attitude?) you would normally like from a neck pup in a high gain situation.

    At any rate, 2 thumbs way up for the JB in a string-thru, neck thru mahagony for the heavy shit, and 1 thumb up for the Jazz. I still would like to try an Air Norton in the neck though.


    • #3
      Im not a big fan of the Jazz... too "bell" like if you could say that. If your not that big a fan of the Jazz, try a '59... I LOVE mine!
      Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


      • #4
        I agree on the 59, I have a lil 59 in the bridge of my strat, very nice sounding pup. Also the 59 sounds very nice in the bride of the strat,which is where I had it until I swapped it to the neck to make room for the hotrails.

        Pretty ripping mexican strat it doth make

        I should try that in the SLSMG though, the 59 definitely tried and true.

