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Rhoads Colors?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by damage8185 View Post
    And as a rule for this thread, please don't post messages saying not to get it and to get a dinky... I've already got an ESP that's much better than a dinky so... yeah... please don't leave posts like that
    Well, then you should have left that out of your post altogether. Why would someone bring that up if all you wanted in the first place was a Rhoads? If someone wants a Rhoads, what would make you think anyone here would tell them to get a Dinky instead? You make no sense. This is not the ESP board that's filled with a bunch of pre-teen Metallica teabaggers.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #17
      Originally posted by damage8185 View Post

      I know this isn't the place to start an argument over whether ESP's/LTD's or Jackson's are better... it's just an opinion. Everyone has their own comfort zone, and i'm sure if i had tons of money to go spend on Jackson's left and right (which i don't) then i would think that dinky's were the best guitar out there.

      No, the pickups did not cost more than the guitar. Almost the same, but not more. As for quality, even LTD's are great guitars, just as good as Jackson's for the same price.

      But it seems that I can't even have a single question answered without everyone bieng like "Don't buy that guitar, Dinky's are SOOOOO much better."

      You know what? I don't give a flying sh*t about dinky's... And if that gets me in trouble, so be it.

      I just asked a simple question about a Jackson RR3: to post pics of it if you have it so I can see what color I want on mine. Then someone asked me about my ESP, so I answered him and posted pics of my guitar so he could see it. I didn't mean to catch so much sh*t from all you nazi's out there about me posting pics of a guitar that's "plywood". That guitar is my pride and joy, and if you think it's plywood, fine live in ignorance, but it isn't, that's a fact. Why do you think so many people are starting to use ESP's now? The o-so-great Dave Mustaine and others that played Jackson's religiously are now signing on with ESP. Coincidence? No. ESP is just a good of products as Jackson is. It's people like you that have you're head so stuck up you're ass that you can't tell when something is just as good as you're beloved Jackson. You're scared, that's all it is, you're scared that ESP is making a more "metal" axe than you're beloved Dinky. That a lowly $270 M-100FM is just as high of quality and sounds better than your $800 Dinky. You're so closed minded that you can't understand it.

      Now that my rant is over, can anyone answer my question?
      Why would aNYONE wish to help answer your question after all that??


      • #18
        Listen, I'm sorry for sounding like a dick.

        that's it.

        sorry, but i'm not bahsing jackson, i swear, with the deepest part of my heart. I just saying that I was looking at another post and saw that everyone was recommending a dinky over the RR3, so I didn't want that to happen.

        I know I screwed up bad... and I didn't want it to happen that way.

        My apologies


        • #19
          If you want to see all the colors they have right now with real pictures go to ebay and type in jackson rr3 and most of the colors except for cobalt blue come up. Board members say get a dinky over a rr3 because we want neck binding. Jackson's website does have a color chart too. except for the base colors no 2 guitars is going to look the same. If you want the best find an old Professional model.


          • #20
            I hear the current cobalt blue is a lot darker than the old one. Didn't MF have a pic of a 2006 DKMG in cobalt blue? That looked absolutely badass, and I think it would look awesome on the Rhoads as well.


            • #21
              yeah i wanted the dark blue one, but music123 doesn't have the RR3 and that's what I order from cause i get a $100 or so discount on the RR3.


              • #22
                Their selection started to suck in the past year. I used to order from them alot. Now I just buy used off of Ebay. You might want to try one of the JCF dealers they may give you just as good of a deal.


                • #23
                  Here are two recent pics of my RR3:

                  I bought this back when I was a student so I couldn't afford a top of the range RR1, but don't let that put you off... this is still my baby and it plays better then any other guitar (non Jackson) that I've ever played, and I've played some good one's. As you can see, the Eerie Dess Swirl spins three colours (purple on the outside, then morphing into blue before turning green). It's amazing to look at in person, though it is due a nice little clean, and I appologise for the slightly rusted p-ups but my hands sweat like crazy when I get going!

                  You really should get yourself one, after all, no-one does 'em like Jackson... not even ESP (sorry, I know it's a cheap shot but I just had to get it in there)!

                  Hope you'll enjoy joining the Jackson family
                  Last edited by RandyRhoads; 10-21-2006, 10:10 AM.
                  And on the 8th day,
                  God kicked back with a beer,
                  And gave that Jackson one helluva beating!

