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Another 1992 Jackson Dinky AR Professional!

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  • Another 1992 Jackson Dinky AR Professional!


    I joined this forum the other day. I would like to confirm the identity of my Jackson which has up until now eluded me!

    Since purchasing it second-hand 8 years ago I have not seen another like guitar like it...until the other day when i managed to find metallic_kitty's post from two years ago regarding a Dinky AR that everyone thought was a Stealth.

    As you can see from the photos below, my guitar is identical just a blood red color which is awesome!

    If anybody has any more details about this guitar please let me know - Am now trying to work out what the insurance value should be...!?


    Close up...


    I am well happy now and thanks to VitaminG for responding to my pre-post mad email to him!


  • #2
    Nice axe.

    Not to derail your thread here, but check out the low E fine tuner in those pics. See how worn it is? I swear, everytime you see a pic of a floyded guitar, the low-E tuner is always worn more than the others. What's up with that - why is the low E always out of tune?
    Blank yo!


    • #3
      Good question - I know why i *think* it is...when you shred on these types of guitars, depending on your arm/hand positioning, you can find yourself rolling/catching your palm side over that tuner (well i do anyway) when muting the lower strings.

      Not only does it piss up the tuning but over the years, wears away the black paint...which i hope is not dermalogically poisonous!

      You are right, i don't think i've seen a 90's FR without that kind of wear...


      • #4
        Yeah, I know I rest my hand on the floyd in that area sometimes.

