Hi all,
Another project comes to an end for me. It all started out with an older PS-4 body with a bunch of cracks in it. Add to it a PS-2 neck and some parts and I had a PS-2/4. Well I decided to take it one step further when I found this body on eBay. I got it for around 50 bucks and my new project started:

Add to it the parts I salvaged from my older project PS-2/4 and:

Now, it's done. Only I added EMG's instead of the Duncan Designed I had been using. But, this time I tried the opposite combo. 85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck. I've heard here that some like the 85 better in the bridge. Here it is:

And finally, here it is, with it's cousin, my RR3. It seems that lately I've been going for that black and chrome look. This is my fourth one now. I also have a single p/u all black (body & pickguard) Fender strat, and an Epi LP all black & chromed out too.

It plays great and really screams with the 85 in the bridge.
Another project comes to an end for me. It all started out with an older PS-4 body with a bunch of cracks in it. Add to it a PS-2 neck and some parts and I had a PS-2/4. Well I decided to take it one step further when I found this body on eBay. I got it for around 50 bucks and my new project started:

Add to it the parts I salvaged from my older project PS-2/4 and:

Now, it's done. Only I added EMG's instead of the Duncan Designed I had been using. But, this time I tried the opposite combo. 85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck. I've heard here that some like the 85 better in the bridge. Here it is:

And finally, here it is, with it's cousin, my RR3. It seems that lately I've been going for that black and chrome look. This is my fourth one now. I also have a single p/u all black (body & pickguard) Fender strat, and an Epi LP all black & chromed out too.

It plays great and really screams with the 85 in the bridge.
