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Replacing trem posts on Japanese PS-4

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  • Replacing trem posts on Japanese PS-4

    I’m looking to buy a Japanese PS-4: Sounds good, feels fantastic, looks …uh, different (whos idea was the offset dot inlays?!?!?!)

    I’m trying to budget for replacing anything that could go wrong, The trem JT-500 actually seems in good shape, at the store I abused it for 15 min and stayed in tune, but I know that will need replacing at some point. So my question is, would replacing the posts with the ones that come with the Schaller require any luthier work??

  • #2
    Yes, probably. If the Schaller post bushings are anything like the OFR ones, they will be just slightly too wide to fit in the holes. You will need a drill press and the right size drill to open them up just a little. And whatever you do, don't hammer the bushings in! It's very easy to split the wood in that area, and if that happens, it would require a lot more luthier work. You can probably use the drill press to push the bushings in.


    • #3
      if you just replace the posts with licensed ones, you wont have to change the bushings. OFR bushings are slightly larger (dont know about the Schaller ones) and the holes will need to be opened up a tad to put them in. you shouldnt need a press. theyll be snug but if they dont go in rather easily then the hole is too small.

      someone on here tried to put OFR bushings in an RR3 and split the wood. dont do that! LOL if you need to get a luthier to work on it to make sure it gets done right!
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