Ok almost ready for prime time 
My 1993 DR-5

Fastest neck I've ever played ! It makes my model three's seem fat
by comparison, but only by comparison
The J-85 is nice and bright in the bridge, while the 80 has
got to be the highest output PuP I've EVER heard.
Distortion class nothing!
More like WWIII class
Would like suggestions about filling the gouge above neck pickup...
It's painted now so it's not so obvious but should I try using medium
weight super-glue or maybe build up clear fingernail polish to the surface...?
Your thoughts please..
Son Of Spy

My 1993 DR-5

Fastest neck I've ever played ! It makes my model three's seem fat
by comparison, but only by comparison

The J-85 is nice and bright in the bridge, while the 80 has
got to be the highest output PuP I've EVER heard.
Distortion class nothing!
More like WWIII class

Would like suggestions about filling the gouge above neck pickup...
It's painted now so it's not so obvious but should I try using medium
weight super-glue or maybe build up clear fingernail polish to the surface...?
Your thoughts please..
Son Of Spy