Just wanted to drop in and say hello and I'm back after a long dark journey. The journey is far from over but I can see some light towards the end of the tunnel.
It's been a trying year for me to say the least. I haven't posted since before last June. I had a mass removed from the inside of my spinal cord and a mass removed from the outside of that just below. They were convinced it was cancer before going in and, well, my prognosis for life, or much of it, was pretty dim. Turned out to be non-cancerous but the operation was still necessary to prevent total paralysis from the waist down. I am now walking again. Not too far and quite a bit off balance, but walking. So, I LIVE! Though I'm now officially a GIMP. It's good to see the old and new posters here. I missed this forum almost as much as I missed my Jacksons. The DK2M and the DX10D saw very limited use for quite a while.
Too often we just don't know what we have until it's gone. Though life does suck sometimes, the alternative is unacceptable. From the immortal words and song title of the heavy metal masters, I'm back from "Beyond The Realms Of Deeeeeaaaaaaaaaaath!" I think that consumes about 8 of my 9 lives.
It's been a trying year for me to say the least. I haven't posted since before last June. I had a mass removed from the inside of my spinal cord and a mass removed from the outside of that just below. They were convinced it was cancer before going in and, well, my prognosis for life, or much of it, was pretty dim. Turned out to be non-cancerous but the operation was still necessary to prevent total paralysis from the waist down. I am now walking again. Not too far and quite a bit off balance, but walking. So, I LIVE! Though I'm now officially a GIMP. It's good to see the old and new posters here. I missed this forum almost as much as I missed my Jacksons. The DK2M and the DX10D saw very limited use for quite a while.
Too often we just don't know what we have until it's gone. Though life does suck sometimes, the alternative is unacceptable. From the immortal words and song title of the heavy metal masters, I'm back from "Beyond The Realms Of Deeeeeaaaaaaaaaaath!" I think that consumes about 8 of my 9 lives.
