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Jackson Stars owners and soon to be owners

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  • #91
    growl. so yeah. I just e-mailed them stating I need to have an idea because I'm going on vacation and need to arrange for someone to be at my home to sign for the guitar. I was told it's going to be a few more weeks. This after the guy stated it would be July like a week ago. I wonder if NAMM coming up has anything to do with this? I know the US stuff is put on back burner, I wonder if there's a big push for MIJ stuff for the show
    In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


    • #92
      Did you guys get any updates while the guitar was being built? Or maybe even pics?

      I'm two emails away from sending the's up to them how fast they respond to me...


      • #93
        Originally posted by eakinj View Post
        growl. so yeah. I just e-mailed them stating I need to have an idea because I'm going on vacation and need to arrange for someone to be at my home to sign for the guitar. I was told it's going to be a few more weeks. This after the guy stated it would be July like a week ago. I wonder if NAMM coming up has anything to do with this? I know the US stuff is put on back burner, I wonder if there's a big push for MIJ stuff for the show
        Same here, got no answer yet.
        We better push back our vacation to september or even later

        Nazgul, you can request pix during the building process that's for sure.


        • #94
          Originally posted by The Mitch View Post
          Nazgul, you can request pix during the building process that's for sure.
          No doubt about that, but the question is, did you get any?


          • #95
            No, I didn't ask for any pix.
            My order is almost a production line model, I dond't think they screw it up.

            EDIT: Just like I f*** up the "don't"
            Last edited by The Mitch; 07-27-2007, 06:10 AM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Nazgul View Post
              Did you guys get any updates while the guitar was being built? Or maybe even pics?
              I didn't get any updates either, apart from to be told it was already painted when I asked about changing the colour. I sincerely doubt they'd send you pics.

              Guys, why would you postpone your vacations? Just tell Ishibashi the dates that you're going to be away and ask them to hang on to the guitar (if it arrives!) until after you've returned. I'm sure they'd be happy to do that. If I'd have posponed my vacation, it'd have been for nothing, as the guitar didn't arrive mid-July anyway!

              Nazgul, you're not tempted to wait until at least one of us gets our guitars before wiring money to the money-pit?!


              • #97
                Originally posted by ken View Post
                Nazgul, you're not tempted to wait until at least one of us gets our guitars before wiring money to the money-pit?!
                Not really, although I'd like to see first if they make the 1 11/16" nut width right....

                I know Shadowcat and Kurtma got their from Ishibashi no problem. And one guy from another forum waited 3 months for his RR-J2SP and it went no problem too...


                • #98
                  Awaiting some serious guitar porn here
                  Cold Hollow Machinery


                  • #99
                    I need help, i dont understand a thing on that ikebe site. and i want a jackson stars so much XD..

                    for example, why is the same guitar listed twice with different prices ? ( RR-J2SP(BK/PNGO))

                    And whats the difference between PNGO and PNGO ?

                    EDIT: im an noob in english typing :\


                    • Originally posted by qwerdy View Post
                      And whats the difference between PNGO and PNGO ?

                      One of them is new (172,000yen) and the other is used or something (112,500yen).


                      • hehe sorry, i ment PNGO and PNGD.

                        and is the smaller nut width a big problem?


                        • Nothing I think. It stands for gold pinstripes in both cases. Nut width can be a little problem if you are used to the wider nuts. It's a preference thing, some like both, some don't. I suggest you try some first. The difference is 1.7mm though.


                          • Damn, yen rates have been going up since last week....I pay 70euros more today for the same guitar than for it one week ago .


                            • Nazgul: thats 2 bad :\

                              But is it just me or is the finishes for these 2 guitars different ? (the color looks shiny on one pic, and dull(right word?) on the other)


                              • The first one you posted is a satin finish, and the second is a gloss finish.

