Long story short- couple beers, the thrill of the chase, and I won the sucka- Too bad I don't know exactly what it is.
The ad states serial "340xxx". Over in E-Fraid Straycat mentioned that it looks like a fusion to him, but that they start with 9's, not 3's.
At first blush the board looks ebony, but I saw a Mexican Strat he was selling against the same wall and the rosewood looked awful dark as well. I know the mexi strats are dark.
I am obviously struggling here

Many thanks to Nazgul, Straycat, & RJohnstone for their input thus far

I've gone through some of AudioZone.dk's catalogs (what a Godsend) and tend to agree that it appears to be some sort of Fusion. But did they come stock with EMG's or is that something added later in the game? Is it just the angle that makes the pickup spacing look "Fusionish"?
I will have photos aplenty when she shows up, whatever she is.
Any input is much appreciated
