does anyone else here, think that RR24s sound really choppy and abit buzzsaw? i love the way mine plays and everything, but i have so much trouble getting any mid range out of it, and i find it difficult to do fast leads becuase the sound is so bight and choppy, i keep fucking with my eq on my marshall (which normally sounds quite befy and mid rangey even with my strat) but it seems to make very litle difference to the sound. I know floyds are very bright sounding anyway, but the emg is just all scoop it seems , and the two together compound each other it seems. the wierd thing is if i play through my line out into my pc, rather than through my 4 x 12, i have a shit load of mid range?? should that happen?? i wonder if it might be the cab....
Anyone else notice this? / got round it?/ thoughts?
Anyone else notice this? / got round it?/ thoughts?