since im an attention whore i decided to open a seperate thread
if you look a few threads down.. i was debating wether i should buy a DK2S.. well .. i did
500 dollars canadian mint condition

close up

damn it with all that dust.. can barely see with the naked eye

damn it with all that dust take 2



family + amp

jackson pride

overall impression:
very nice guitar, love the sustainer! neck feels a bit thicker and upper fret acces is a tiny bit a harder (comparing tothe regular DK2). tone is very beefy, much thickerrthan the duncan designed ones on the dk2. i like that but it does not cut through as well as the dk2 with its distingtive sharp sound, i will have to tweak my amp aorund that .. since its set for the dk2
other than that iilove it, its awesome and i wish i'd know how to use that damn camera to take better pics
p.s i don't want to hear any comments on those posters!

if you look a few threads down.. i was debating wether i should buy a DK2S.. well .. i did

500 dollars canadian mint condition

close up

damn it with all that dust.. can barely see with the naked eye

damn it with all that dust take 2



family + amp

jackson pride

overall impression:
very nice guitar, love the sustainer! neck feels a bit thicker and upper fret acces is a tiny bit a harder (comparing tothe regular DK2). tone is very beefy, much thickerrthan the duncan designed ones on the dk2. i like that but it does not cut through as well as the dk2 with its distingtive sharp sound, i will have to tweak my amp aorund that .. since its set for the dk2
other than that iilove it, its awesome and i wish i'd know how to use that damn camera to take better pics
p.s i don't want to hear any comments on those posters!
