My Jackson Randy Rhoads geetars......the red 1994 came in today!
1994 Black Brass (a poor man’s repro of Randy’s 2nd Jackson, Dimarzio SP-100 in bridge and SD JB in the neck)
2001 Polka Dot (Dimarzio DP-100 and DP-103.... like Randy’s Sandoval Polka Dot V)
1994 Red Black ( far.....DP-100 on the way)
1994 Black Brass (a poor man’s repro of Randy’s 2nd Jackson, Dimarzio SP-100 in bridge and SD JB in the neck)
2001 Polka Dot (Dimarzio DP-100 and DP-103.... like Randy’s Sandoval Polka Dot V)
1994 Red Black ( far.....DP-100 on the way)