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  • J-90c

    is there a J-90C without the cover?
    I wonder if the sticker at the back is FAKE.

    because I think all j-90C is with cover.


  • #2
    The covers on some do come off. are the top screws black? Then it's real.
    I am thinking that later there were some non USA made ones without covers with painted logos( bad ones).


    • #3
      Yup, you can easilly take the cover off. I think there were also non-covered J-90Cs.

      Why someone would fake a Jackson pickup is sort of beyond me...


      • #4
        Originally posted by hellying View Post
        because I think all j-90C is with cover.

        No. Jackson stopped using covers but kept on making J90C's. Some guitars got covers (mostly Made in USA). Imports usually got J90C's without covers.

        My 1992 RR1 = Cover

        My 1989 Charvel Fusion Deluxe = No Cover

        I think an issue with Jackson covers is that you need an oversized pickup mounting ring, hence why we frequent Dave's website Fret on the Net quite often.


        • #5
          I've owned a couple myself. Some were covered and some not. The ones that DID have a cover were easy enough to separate. You can pull the covers off, which makes it possible for them to fit in a normal pickup ring. The only downside to that is that you need to clean off the residue of the stuff they used to hold the cover on. Kinda a pain in the ass, but the tone of the J-90C is well worth it in my opinion.

          On the topic of USA vs import J-90C pickups, it seems the imports don't sound as good. They seem more thin and shrill to me, but perhaps I am just hearing what I want to hear? I was told there is an easy way to distinguish imports from USA models too. Jackson experts PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, because I very well could be. I'm only going on what I've been told along the way Basically I've heard the USA models have the Jackson logo stamped into the metal on the bottom (the baseplate or whatever its called), and the imports have Charvel stamped into them (or nothing at all). Like I said, someone who knows better, correct me if I'm inaccurate, but I THINK that's how to tell them apart. Seems to hold true from my tests with them tonally.

          Speaking of such, I have been searching for a J-92C for soooo long now. I wanna get one so badly. That's my holy grail of pickups. Period. Nothing better IMO. But you never see them for some reason. I guess they didn't make them for long, but man I want one bad.

          Anyway, my $0.02
          - Adam


          • #6
            Now in my box I have several J-90c's. 3 have Jackson embossed in the base plate the covers have the raised logo,2 have the embossed logo on the base plate/Made in USA sticker no covers silver slugs/ silver pole screws.
            2 others that have the blank baseplate but have a Made in USA sticker and have black screws and slugs.
            I also have 2 stamped Charvel that have slugs only no adj pole peices.No Made in USA sticker.
            Who would try to fake a Jackson pickup and why they ain't worth much dollar wise.
            I do love the J-90c and all the J series pickups.Some were wound by Abigail Yabbara .She worked for Jackson winding pickups for a while.
            I must have a set of J-50's she wound because they are magical.
            Really? well screw Mark Twain.

