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New jackson and first post

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  • New jackson and first post

    Been lurking here a long time. Been checking out the Jackson's, also for a long time. Been playing for a few years, just goofin and enjoying the guitar as a pass time/stress reliever....................

    So I have been searching long for just the right guitar. I like hardtails, easy to tune, string and wail on. I am not a whammy bar guy..........So anyway, I wanted a mid range guitar that was well enough made that would last and satisfy me, but not too expensive. After alot of searching and homework talking to friends who play (alot better than me), I went for a DK2T. I just got a new DK2T in the new Orange color (which I love) for 539.10 delivered.

    I am glad I held out for a while as I got a 10% coupon from eBay and used it for my guitar purchase. Free shipping and all!

    So I am now a happy Jackson owner. Have played a few and love the DK2T, just s good simple shredding axe...................Now I need to get my girlfriend to buy me a Peavey VYPER 30 to go with it!

  • #2
    Sweet deal man! and great color. Have fun!
    Jackson Dinky Rev. Pro
    Jackson Kelly (KE3?), Lawrence equipped
    Ibanez RG320
    Ensanada Acoustic
    Peavey Bandit 112
    Soon to Be:


    • #3
      Ooh, you got the new colour for the DK2T. How bright is the orange? I may buy one in the near future because they're both hardtail and orange, two features that I want in my next guitar.

      Edit: Oh, and Welcome!
      "Dear Dr. Bill,
      I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

      "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


      • #4
        That's a fuggin' awesome color mate! Nice guitar...


        • #5
          Welcome man, and yea thats a great new colour glad you're liking it!


          • #6
            Welcome, and nice axe man! Reminds me of the General Lee for some reason though.
            Needs a Rebel Flag and an 01 on the front.
            'Howling in shadows
            Living in a lunar spell
            He finds his heaven
            Spewing from the mouth of hell'


            • #7
              That color is sweet! Any photos of the guitar in person? Would like to see the color 'in the real world'.


              • #8
                Great color! Congrats.


                • #9
                  Do they make that guitar w/ a Floyd and reverse header?
                  8 strings? Because 6 is too easy?


                  • #10
                    wow, awesome colour! Congrats on the purchase.
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #11
                      Killer color! Congratulations!

                      Welcome to the JCF!!!

