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New RR3M

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  • New RR3M

    New to the board, and picked up a new Jackson RR3M, I played some Jackson's and Charvel's over the years but drifted away for awhile. I got a deal on this, a local dealer dug all his dusty guitars out for a New Year's day clearance, I just seemed to connect with this one (I just went in for strings). Anyway, I can't find much about it anywhere and thought I would try the experts here.

  • #2
    if im not mistaken it is a special run of rr3..i seen one on the bay a month or so ago..i like these.


    • #3


      • #4
        Yeah that really looks awesome!



        • #5
          They did that to the RR24 now but it doesnt look like its a special run, their permanent for now, RR24m. Im personally more of an ebony guy, but the more I watch Jeff Loomis and listen to his nice snappy tone I am liking maple a bit more.


          • #6
            i wasnt to sure if it was a specila run or not..but all of them that ive found said they were...


            • #7
              but seriously, id kill for this thing lol. ive wanted one for a while now.


              • #8
                Originally posted by fenux_123 View Post
                but seriously, id kill for this thing lol. ive wanted one for a while now.
                If you cant get ahold of one, I'd go with the RR24M, big advantage is the neckthru, on a rhoads or any V, its way more comfortable and easier to get up there, also you get two extra frets and an active pickup with the battery quickloader already in it, and an OFR. Either way, Maple necks are pretty sweet.


                • #9
                  Never saw one of these before. Who made the special run and why wasn't I notified? haha

                  Also wouldn't this be 1 of 100 then? Remember we were trying to do something similar to this a few years ago with IIRC a reversed headstock. If there are 99 others of these out there, you sure don't see them...


                  • #10
                    hogridr- That is one very good looking axe! Nothing like going into your local shop for some strings and coming out with a kick butt Jackson.


                    • #11
                      I love the maple neck with the white suits that guitar very well, take care of her as you weill never find another one like it!


                      • #12
                        Thanks guys, still have not find much out about it, other than it rocks, and that is good enough for me. Maple neck is fast, spent some time adjusting the trem, added a few extra springs and adjusted the action. She is a speed machine now. I may add some push/pull pots to split the JB/Jazz humbuckers at some point, just happy playing it right now.


                        • #13
                          Very interesting...this is another case of Jackson taking a JCF idea and running with it: About a year and a half ago, JCFer RobRR put together a RR3M on his own!
                          Yep, here is the thread: too bad the pics are no longer, it was sweet! Also he was selling it later that year
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #14
                            Well, I got one of these too ... the only info I found on the net was that it's some limited run for testing the market or smth like this.
                            Anyway, I think it's totally cool and we're lucky to have such a rare & nice instrument (even if it's not a very expensive one ).


                            • #15
                              vlad, what is the serial # ?
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

