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Got this STUPID cheap

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  • Got this STUPID cheap

    So this customer comes in to my work wanting to get the headstock fixed on his guitar.
    It's broken off just past the nut. So our guitar tech passes on fixing it. Cus he says it will cost more to fix then its worth. So he wanted to sell it to the store instead. Why he thought the store would want to buy a broken guitar is beyond me. So i ended up talking him down in price and buy it from him. So without further ado. here's some pics. (i hope)

    looks like i didnt get a pic of it when it was doen. thought i did. But well im having a blonde week. lol ok a blonde life.
    I'll get some asap and post them

    should probably explain all that funky hardware huh?
    i was trying to figure out what to use for a clamp to hold it all together after it was glued etc. So wat i did was I used some small nails. pounded them into the headstock on the broken end. Poured glue all over the headstock and the neck. Pounded the headstock back onto the neck after lining it all up. Then i put 2 bolts thru the tuing key holes and attached strapping metal to them. Then the same at the bridge posts. Used bungie chords really tight as a clamp wrappin the bungie chords around the bolts in the bridge holes to tighten up the slack and make it as tight as possible. Holds tune and sounds great now. I put a JB in the bridge and a zebra coil PAF in the neck. very gibson-esque tone. I think its a keeper. I just have to get the cracks filled in a repaint the repair
    Last edited by JACKSONFREAK; 04-27-2009, 12:13 AM.

  • #2
    Hmn, interesting,
    Luckily it had a clean break. I would think using some type of dowel system to help give it some stability. I don't know if that's practical, but that's what came to my mind.
    I am suprised what some guys can do to at what point i would consider junk.


    • #3
      Because of where the break is i couldnt use a typical dowel. I used nails as metal dowels instead of wood ones. So far so good. And yeah i only paid 35 bucks for it. so it was more of an experiment to see if it could be fixed. So i got a now working SLSMG for $35.
      if it didnt work no biggie. It was a learning experience.


      • #4
        If it was that easy a fix, the tech would have done it surely?
        If I were you, I'd be terrified the thing would snap at any moment, hurling neck, strings and headstock into my face....

        I know it's probably rock solid, especially if you used good PVA glue, but I'd still always have a little niggle at the back of my head.



        • #5
          Make sure you use those pics when you put it up on eBay, Gil!!
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #6
            The tech told me he would've cut a scarf jooint intto the neck and made a new headstock. It's not goin anywhere. It's a solid fix. The tech said that he wouldnt guarantee the repair without making a new headstock etc. And that would cost more than the guitar was worth. So the guy didnt want to do it. Yould think it would fly off. But it hasnt budged a nanomillimeter un over 2 weeks and is still in perfect tune. So im not worried. And if it were to snap i dont think it would hit me inthe face due to this thing called gravity. It may however snap into my fingers tho. That could suck. I'll keep ya posted if it snaps again. BTW i've fixed other headstocks with odd breaks and just used wood glue and clamps. They're still holding tune today. Remember wood glue is what they used to put the neck and body wings together. So i see no issue.
            Oh and Ron im not selling it. So


            • #7
              I had a guy here in Baton Rouge glue the broken headstock of my SG a few years back, and it lasted a month before cracking through the paint on back of neck...another 6 months and started to move. He had to create new headstock for it eventually (didn't charge me what he should have, though). Again, that was a Gibson, and the slant on those headstocks are hard to stabalize. Looks like this one is an easier fix. BTW "stupid cheap"? You stole that bugger, dude. Good job. C.


              • #8
                Originally posted by JACKSONFREAK View Post
                i dont think it would hit me inthe face due to this thing called gravity.
                You think if it snaps gravity will make it go DOWN? :ROTF:

                If it DOES snap, please post the pics so we can see how gravity affected it.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                  You think if it snaps gravity will make it go DOWN? :ROTF:

                  If it DOES snap, please post the pics so we can see how gravity affected it.
                  I just mean. that if it does snap off it most likely wont come flying off in an upward direction towards my face. It will follow the direction of tension. Snapping it forward against the finger board. Not making it jump up 2ft and smack me in the face like im its bitch. lol Just saying.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                    You think if it snaps gravity will make it go DOWN? :ROTF:

                    If it DOES snap, please post the pics so we can see how gravity affected it.
                    I just mean. that if it does snap off it most likely wont come flying off in an upward direction towards my face. It will follow the direction of tension. Snapping it forward against the finger board. Not making it jump up 2ft and smack me in the face like im its bitch. lol Just saying.
                    Oh and so far so good. No tuning stability issues or anything. Still in place and seems well anchored. If it does move however i will let ya know.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jacksonfreak View Post
                      smack me in the face like im its bitch. Lol
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #12
                        Ok I said i was gonna post pics of it repaired and together. So here it is.

                        I took these a couple days ago. And as the skeptics can see. It's still together sounds great and is in perfect tune each time i pick it up.
                        The pups in it are an a JB and a PAF from a 2002 Figured top LP Std.


                        • #13
                          That's awesome man. I know people always say PVA woodglue can make a join even stronger than the original wood but when it comes to guitars I'm always a wee bit sceptical.
                          Looks like you made a decent job of it and for the cash you paid, you got a sweet guitar. Nice one!



                          • #14
                            great job bringing that one back from the dead.

                            Not too shabby!


                            • #15
                              Thanks guys. I think this one is a keeper. I just gotta get that repair touched up and sanded etc. Hopefully i can do it soon while the weather is still decent. Knowing chicago the weather will change to fall next week.

