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Re: 2008 SL3

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  • Re: 2008 SL3

    Hi guys, need some info/ advice on my latest aquisition - I picked up this SL3 last week, got it yesterday, and immediately realized that it need some sprucing up. It came standard, from what I could glean from the catalog, has the SD JB in the bridge, with the mini HB hotrails x 2, apparent OFR (but something's amiss) neck thru with 1 vol, 1 tone, and 5-way switch. Here's my questions, please advise if you think of something helpful:

    also: I know it's NOT a REAL soloist. I've had one before and was too afraid of it to really enjoy it. I just want to get this one close enough to what I think it should be, so please hold the "get a USA or Pro model" suggestions, thanks.

    -the pots are shite. Need to upgrade to CTS for vol and tone, but what size? 500k? any ideas?

    - some places say it is alder with rock-maple neck, some say Poplar? It is a shit load lighter than the alder DKMG I have...

    -WTF is the deal with this trem? what is a Ping-made OFR? from catalog: Bridge: Floyd Rose FRT-O2000 tremolo

    - may switch out the JB in bridge to another SD...any suggestions for a more "Metal" sound? Not very "punchy" for want of a better word.

    - the action and intonation sucked, took me an hour just to get it of now it is perfect. Very impressed with the neck, too. Came with 10s, cant wait to get .9s on it.

    here she is, (sorry, pics are HUGE) she sure is pretty tho. Thanks for the help. C.

  • #2
    Well, first of all, an SL3 is part of the Pro line, so I don't know where you're coming from there. Sure it's not made in USA but who cares as long as it's well-built, right?

    I'd look at the pots in there but yeah they're probably 500K.

    I've always heard alder.

    The OFR is made in Korea by Floyd Rose. It's a sneaky way of advertising OFR when it's not a German-made one. Still, from all reports they're perfectly fine bridges.

    I'd suggest the Duncan Distortion. Very punchy...a bit more compressed than a JB but nowhere near something like an EMG 81.

    Not surprised about the poor setup, especially if it's been sitting in a store for a year.


    • #3 I didn't know it was part of the Pro line...I still don't know where that one starts and stops 'less it says so on the HS... haven't really had time to mess with the trem that much, but in comparison to the one I put on the DKMG, it is very different to the touch and feel...even string that what is on there? I'll check out the SD distortion...wanted to keep the SDs in this one...EMGs work well in the Dinky, but wanted to keep this one with passive PUs, more of a gibson tone...preciatecha


      • #4
        The Floyd is a real Floyd, just made in Korea instead of Germany.

        A "Ping Floyd" is a licensed trem made by PING... the same company that makes golf clubs.
        It has the PING logo by the arm socket.
        This is a PING Floyd.

        Even though it has the Floyd Rose logo, it is still required to have the "Licensed under Floyd Rose patents" on it since it is not made by Floyd Rose.

        As for the pots, they are 500k pots and a CTS pot upgrade would be in order.
        I would also suggest you upgrade the 5 way as well.

        And it is a REAL Soloist since Jackson made it.
        The SL3 is a damn fine guitar.


        • #5
          "The pots are shite".

          I think that says it all.
          How exactly did you come to this conclusion? Can your ears detect the difference between the stock pots and CTS ones? I'd LOVE to know.

          As for the JB not being "metal" enough for you, why don't you take a look and listen to this:

          I think that covers the JBs "metal" relevance. He only used JBs.



          • #6
            Oh, BTW, you might want to put in a genuine single coil middle pickup just for tonal options. I put a Duncan SSL-1 in the middle of mine, works great.



            • #7
              My neighbor has one of them. I've played it. He doesn't take care of his stuff at all (as far as setup, etc) and it plays like butter after 4 years I've known him. I want the exact one you have. If you don't like it... Send that POS to me!!
              Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


              • #8
                I have only liked the JB in one guitar and I think it wasn't wired in the regular way. anyway just remember up to a few years ago Dave mustaine used the JB. It just needs a little help from the amp compared to active EMGs


                • #9
                  The JB is a hit and miss pickup as to who can use it and like it...

                  I'd reccomend a TB-14.

                  Jackson's models that arent made in the us dont always have the best electronics, i know my kvx10's pots crackled from day one...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                    How exactly did you come to this conclusion? Can your ears detect the difference between the stock pots and CTS ones? I'd LOVE to know.

                    I think pot replacement is one of the biggest loads of crap out there. Its one thing if you really have cheapo stuff that comes scratchy and muddy, but that's just not the case on decent guitars. IMO.
                    Blank yo!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by warlok View Post
                      My neighbor has one of them. I've played it. He doesn't take care of his stuff at all (as far as setup, etc) and it plays like butter after 4 years I've known him. I want the exact one you have. If you don't like it... Send that POS to me!!

                      HAHA! Didnt mean to sound ungrateful... to get it at under $600 (not including shipping) I am very pleased with it. Just hate the way companies cut corners to turn a buck. I still love Jackson, but the Fender aq. still bugs me. The old Jacksons were works of art, and the new ones at times feel like you're paying for a name mostly. I still think Mustaine should have taken it over when it was up for grabs.

                      PS - there is an identical red one on ebay now for $1200.00. Should I decide to part with it (as I tend to do every few years) I promise to give you first crack at it!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
                        "The pots are shite".

                        I think that says it all.
                        How exactly did you come to this conclusion? Can your ears detect the difference between the stock pots and CTS ones? I'd LOVE to know.

                        As for the JB not being "metal" enough for you, why don't you take a look and listen to this:

                        I think that covers the JBs "metal" relevance. He only used JBs.
                        No, actually that covers the "are they Friedman enough for you" issue. And, jeez..he really butchered that solo. I've seen him live and never that sloppy.

                        Since you'd LOVE to know about the pots, it has little to do with ears and all to do with feel. The volume pot has a very scratchy noise, indeed, but the thing feels like it is about to fall off. Not the knob, btw as I've removed it and it is def. the pot. It does not move cleanly, does not stay at set position well and "bounces" back when turned to max as if the mechanism is busted. The tone feels like its scraping inside when turned, and again, this is with the knob off, and drifts from desired position also due to complete lack of drag.

                        Compared to the smooth, clean action I expected from equipment on a guitar of this quality, THE POTS ARE SHITE. I have CTS pots in my DKMG and in the Chvl Mod 5, and they feel much sturdier and don't tend to slip or drift after set to certain spot like cheap ones do.

                        Thanks for the suggestion about the mid. pickup - This is the only guitar with single coils (er, mini hbs, that is to say) that I own and have never used a middle pu before. will look into it.
                        Last edited by cedelong; 05-01-2009, 12:01 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Grandturk View Post

                          I think pot replacement is one of the biggest loads of crap out there. Its one thing if you really have cheapo stuff that comes scratchy and muddy, but that's just not the case on decent guitars. IMO.

                          Exactly my point. See my reply to Martin.:idea:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                            The Floyd is a real Floyd, just made in Korea instead of Germany.

                            A "Ping Floyd" is a licensed trem made by PING... the same company that makes golf clubs.
                            It has the PING logo by the arm socket.
                            This is a PING Floyd.

                            Even though it has the Floyd Rose logo, it is still required to have the "Licensed under Floyd Rose patents" on it since it is not made by Floyd Rose.

                            As for the pots, they are 500k pots and a CTS pot upgrade would be in order.
                            I would also suggest you upgrade the 5 way as well.

                            And it is a REAL Soloist since Jackson made it.
                            The SL3 is a damn fine guitar.
                            Thank you. Yep, that's whats on her.

                            Ive just read so many slams from others about "Not being able to afford a USA soloist" etc. I was VERY uncomfortable playing a $2k guitar - I was so worried about scratches, drops, etc, that I just couldn't enjoy it. I wanted one close enough but not expensive enough to make me nervous. I've been playing for over 20 years and learned the hard way that no matter how careful you are, something disastrous could happen every time she's out of the case. I do like this one, was just dissapointed on the corner cutting (especially over a $5.00 pot or two) Thanks again - she's really a beauty I think.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cedelong View Post
                              was just dissapointed on the corner cutting (especially over a $5.00 pot or two)
                              You have to think in terms of mass production. The difference in cost between a CTS pot and a no-name pot might be $0.50 (I'm sure its not) and on a per guitar basis, that might not seem like much - but think about it on a production scale. Over the building of 10,000 guitars, that adds up to $5,000 (vol, tone setup - more for vol, vol, tone, etc..). That's $5,000 that goes to paying the salaries of your employees or keeping your machines running. So don't think of it as cost cutting - its about manufacturing scale.

                              A guy who builds one guitar a month has no escuse for not using the best parts that are available because he's not working at the same scale.
                              Blank yo!

