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NBD again....

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  • NBD again....

    I'm such a sucker for a good deal ( like I "really" need another bass in my house )...lololol

    here's a BlackCherry 86 3b I just found for 200.00:

  • #2
    It is tough to argue a good deal, and too easy to justify another bass!!!
    Endorsing Artist:
    ESP Basses
    Mesa Boogie Amplification
    EMG Pickups
    D'Addario Strings
    Pedaltrain Pedalboards
    Couch Straps
    InTune Picks


    • #3
      good day Matt, yes the justification part only comes into play when your short on

      I'm just glad the Jackson basses are NOT POPULAR "price wise" as the guitar stuff is or I would probably only have 1-2 basses around.
      I am not hoping in any way these things will become "popular"...let them stay relatively cheap for the next 10 years...hehehehe

      once I get the thing in the house, I'll clean it up and jam on it after I set it up..The nice thing is I don't have to worry about "how it sounds", since I already know that from the others I have

      someone asked me if I would smash one on stage, and I said no... nothing rare about Jap Charvels, but I wouldn't purposely destroy one just to do it...


      • #4
        Nice grab.

        And good luck smashing one on stage even if you wanted to
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Newc View Post
          And good luck smashing one on stage even if you wanted to
          <<< aint THAT the truth.....they used Poplar in all the 80's models for a reason

          well maybe on the 90's CX/CHS series made out of balsawood...oops I meant basswood. I think those things self destruct if you look at them wrong...

          if any bass gets smashed, it will be this balsawood least I know that the neck will snap clean off on the first hit:ROTF:.


          • #6
            Sweet bass !I was looking aroud for another 3b myself but I popped a tube in my SVT.I hope they remain sleeper basses til I can afford another


            • #7
              well a little update on the 3b.....

              the E string saddle is pretty worn, so I'll be using another parts bass bridge on it shortly if I REALLY want to change it out.
              the preamp's volume pot has a bent shaft, it still works, but will have to be replaced..It says 50k ohms on the pot, and I'll find one online to replace it so the thing actually turns.

              it may say 250k on it, but all I could see was 50k so I'll open another one of mine and see what it is.

              HEY MARTIN, you wanna sell me your old j2000 for spare parts?

              beyond that, the frets are pristine, the fretboard cleaned up nice, and the overall condition of the thing is very good.
              Last edited by amimbari; 12-07-2009, 10:47 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by amimbari View Post
                well a little update on the 3b.....

                the E string saddle is pretty worn, so I'll be using another parts bass bridge on it shortly if I REALLY want to change it out.
                the preamp's volume pot has a bent shaft, it still works, but will have to be replaced..It says 50k ohms on the pot, and I'll find one online to replace it so the thing actually turns.

                it may say 250k on it, but all I could see was 50k so I'll open another one of mine and see what it is.

                HEY MARTIN, you wanna sell me your old j2000 for spare parts?

                beyond that, the frets are pristine, the fretboard cleaned up nice, and the overall condition of the thing is very good.
                I took out the jack and 3-way toggle for another project (they were pretty rusty and you can find replacements anywhere), but sure. I can send you the pots and preamp. Want the pickups/shells, too? The pots are 250K, according to the back of the tone knob.

                That's a great score! Really cool color.
                Last edited by Chowderboots; 12-08-2009, 06:43 PM.
                From here on the nightmare only gets worse...


                • #9
                  you know what's funny, I SOLD 2 perfect bridges this year thinking...sheeze, what will I EVER do with 2 spares...hahah well I'm now bummed I did that cause I sure would of loved to use one of those on this bass..

                  figures right? -- :ROTF:

                  oh well, I'll use the one off my parts bass. It is not super clean, but has 4 good non worn saddles on it. As far as the preamp, if the VOL pot soldered on the board is 250k ( I havent had the chance to open my other 3b or one of the 4b's ), then no Martin, I'll just use a spare pot from the parts bass.

                  This one is a 86, but must have been a leftover cause this bass has a C7 serial# on it as a sticker on the head and not stamped into the frets like my 87, but it is FORSURE a 86 with the (tm) on the logo as an 86 should have, and the selectorSwitch on the inside as it should be.

                  either way it came with a nice TKL flightCase which in itself is at least 100 bucks used .

                  I told myself unless the deal is really good anymore, and I find a color I do not have...NO MORE BASSES!!!!!!
                  Christ one of these days I'm gonna have a "clearance sale", and just keep 2-3 since that is all I ever use anyway.
                  maybe that elusive black 2b with the Kahler will eventually be up up for sale ????


                  • #10
                    My 87 3b isn't stamped on the fret board either and has the sticker s/n (703xxx)but has the R at the end of the logo. I wonder when they started to stamp the s/n?
                    Last edited by SOB H.R.MC; 12-09-2009, 01:27 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SOB H.R.MC View Post
                      My 87 3b isn't stamped on the fret board either and has the sticker s/n (703xxx)but has the R at the end of the logo. I wonder whan they started to stamp the s/n?
                      all my 86's have the (tm) the 87-88's all say (r).

                      hey SOB, 87 is the only year with it on the outside according to the pics in the, but due to them being jap models, who knows how many 86 bodies they had leftover when they had to put 87 stickers on them, then for the full run of the year they just stamped them after they ran out of 86 leftovers???

                      my 87 3b is c706xxx and is stamped with the big round black plastic covered switch on the outside of the knobs.
                      when I'm home later, I will check the serial on that b.cherry one and see what it is in relation to yours and my other 3b ....

                      HEY anyone else with one LOOKING AT THIS POST - what year are your 3b's (switch orientation ) and are they stamped or stickered?

                      p.s. as a matter of "trivia" concerning serials on the bolt-ons...yes they are just numbers, but I have soooo many of them now it is kinda easy to figure out what year, just from having 86's,87's,88 "models" in the collection. FOR EXAMPLE: my 4b's are for sure 88's and one has a serial of 306xxx, and the other is 311xxx.

                      in contrast, my 87's are 257xxx and 270xxx my 86's are 237xxx and 239xxx.
                      Last edited by amimbari; 12-09-2009, 01:56 PM.


                      • #12
                        Mine has the serial stamped on the end of the fingerboard with the switch on the outside. And I'm pretty sure it's an '87 with Gibson-style 3-way with the black plastic cap.
                        From here on the nightmare only gets worse...


                        • #13
                          SOB, I checked the serial and it is c700120, so that would make sense.

                          your 87 is c703, mine is c706 so this one with 700 sounds logical to be a leftover 86 body. I sure hope someone out here has a 86 with a c69?xxx perhaps for serial comparison.

                          damn jap guitars and the lack of REAL numbers


                          • #14
                            The switch is on the outside of the cut/boost nobs and has a metal cap(took my pocket knife and scratched it).I was trying to upload some pics but I can't figure out how to do that


                            • #15
                              create a account. It is free and when you have your pics in there, copy and paste the link that has the [img] brackets in front and [/img] behind that link and put it here...

                              if your switch is on the outside with the big ole fender switch it is a 87 body, but as to when they started stamping them, only a real jackson employee who worked there at the time would know that I assume, and to guess on the headstock stickers when they changed from tm to r is also a guess as's the same for the guitars. somewhere in 86 they revised the stickers.

