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The prices of Jackson & Charvel basses.

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  • The prices of Jackson & Charvel basses.

    Am I the only one who thinks that there's something weird about the pricing of Jackson and especially Charvel basses?

    They costed a lot back in the eighties and comparing to that they are quite cheap these days (I'm not complaining though)
    Why is that?
    There are not many Charvel and Jackson basses for sale for example on Ebay, so I think that they are kind of rare basses comparing to some other manufacturers basses. People say that instruments are good investments, because they rarely lose their value during the years, but a $1000 Charvel may go for $150 these days...Strange...
    Many players say that they like these basses, but why are they so cheap? I wish that I lived in the States, because those basses are much more expensive here in Europe.

  • #2
    others answers will differ, but here's mine:

    #1 most important, Jackson was NOT a bass company, never was, never will be.
    #2 nobody likes pointyheadstocks, all they want are fenderheads so it makes the price very cheap because nobody can sell them unless you LIKE pointyheads.
    #3 let them stay cheap and not valuable, better for me and the thousands of buyers who look past a name and want a reliable cheap good sounding bass.

    uh, you do know that for the past few years Jackson only makes 3 basses, the ugly LOG Campbell bass, the Horrible C. Bettie and the ever so un-popular CMG.

    that's it....


    • #3
      [QUOTE=amimbari;1359971]others answers will differ, but here's mine:

      #1 most important, Jackson was NOT a bass company, never was, never will be.
      #2 nobody likes pointyheadstocks, all they want are fenderheads so it makes the price very cheap because nobody can sell them unless you LIKE pointyheads.


      I definitly agree with these which are image related, also that 80's metal style anything is unpopular right now, If just you go by quality and sound my 575 should maybe sell for around the same as a regular (not vintage) used US Precision or Jazz Bass so maybe $700 -$1,000? But I prefer the 575s PJ and thin neck over any fender I've tried, so to me It's worth more, also glad they are cheap now!!!
      Last edited by tanpsi; 07-09-2010, 12:39 PM.


      • #4
        no doubt TanPsi. Try finding an 80's Fender HM unit. Nobody wants those either but STILL charge 800 for it because of the name :think:.

        no matter what the price, Jackson stuff will always be on the low end of the price sheet, unless it is a USA/CS or something like a Concert5/Eliminator5/Fusion5/JPB/TBX/AntiGrav...only the rare of the rare get top pricing...all the others are dirt to many people and have no value according to the masses.


        • #5
          Its great for us Charvel Jackson fans that they are so affordable. If the masses gave the 3B a chance I'd be very surprised if they weren't impressed with the sound and quality. I think alot of players snub them because their association with Metal and 80's Hard Rock. Hell, I first became aware of the Charvel Jackson brand in the liner notes of Ratt's Out Of The Cellar. I respect others opinion on looks but to me the pointy headstocks are simply ravishing.


          • #6
            I'll buy every damn pointy that nobody else wants
            even when they are NOT Jacksons or Kramers:

            why not right? nobody else wants them

            and ok, so I broke down and bought a JX non-pointy off ebay last month...why? because it was cheap!!!!

